Two Weeks? Really?

Two weeks since I arrived on this scene.  
Two weeks since the flight landed at YEG and I landed shortly afterwards at Nano’s door.  It seemed at first that the days may be long and the weeks may seem more like, well, longer than weeks.
But here we are and the days have disappeared. Life tends to go this way. Long, ends up being a whole lot less than we would like it to be.
But I have a life far away and busyness awaits. It won’t be many days before these 336 hours (approximately) are long gone.
But we have memories.
This mother of mine is sharp.
“I hope, when I get old I don’t lose my mind” she said a few months ago.
“It’s too late for that dearest mother” I replied.

So today we covered some ground, literally (it was “get your hair done” day and coffee at the local greenhouse) and nostalgically. People do that when they get past a certain age. Both Nano and I are past that age I suppose, since we like to remember.

One of the remembrances was when we spoke of “water under the bridge”. Things past. Words spoken, deeds done.
Her comment was “Well as dad used to say, ‘you can remove the nails but the holes will still be there'”.
This same man, my father, also believed, preached and shared the truth that God makes new His mercies every morning.
His love is from everlasting to everlasting and He makes all things new. He can redeem anything and make it beautiful.
Yes, since He is a miracle worker He can even get rid of the holes where the nails used to be.
I say hallelujah and thank you Jesus.

She asked a few days ago if we could perhaps have pork chops one night for dinner. Well, when this tiny girl of ours requests something in the way of edibles, I jump on it. You bet I do.

I purchased a package of beautiful looking chops from Costco.
Earlier today she said
“you are going to laugh but you know what I would love to have with my dinner?
Some boiled cabbage.
Now I expect most of you, living this side of the maritimes by a distance, may not have an appreciation for this delicious veg option. (The folks living on our eastern shores know their cabbage. My dad loved it.)
Let me say, you are missing out. This is not a regular part of Nano’s diet but every once in a while…
So I worked some magic
Got those loins all sauced and cooked up along with our cabbage and mashed carrots and turnip and we had ourselves a feast.
Yes and of course we were clad in protective gear. Aprons all the way. I wasn’t kidding when I said I wear an apron around the house. So does she and so does my sister. We love aprons.

Later, we took ourselves back to our special place where the knitting and sewing happens. I had a nice sturdy box ready for packing up my fabric and aprons and of course, I knew it was coming but she said
“That’s a nice sturdy box”.
I smiled knowingly (I truly did know and expected the comment) and said “yes mom, it surely is a nice sturdy box”.

You see, I don’t believe I mentioned it to you but Nano has quite an eye for good sturdy boxes. Not only that but she has passed the ability to intuitively choose excellent and sturdy boxes, on to me. Believe me, I can choose just the right box within which to pack important items for travel by plane.
Yes, the House ladies have been known to wrap the likes of frozen berries and roast beef, to be flown from the very west side of this country to the middle of the country. We are good at it and have had great success.

A little over two hours ago now I tucked her in for the last time of this “session” and her words, as I was closing the door were,
“Now don’t stay up too late”.
“I’ll try not to mom”!
That was that and here I am.

3 thoughts on “Two Weeks? Really?

  1. Pam, I have so enjoyed your blog. Hope it isn’t coming to an end just because you’re leaving. Love the recipes too. Must try some of them!

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