whipping up some comfort food

Well, it’s here.

Fall I mean.

Actually, it’s getting awfully close to Winter and I’m not much of a fan.   At least not once February 15th rolls around.

The other day I paid a visit to our newlyweds.  I first of all invited them here for dinner and then said I would be happy to go there, and bring dinner of course.

They jumped at it.

I had leftover turkey in the freezer, from Thanksgiving just a few weeks earlier, along with a few litres of turkey stock.

I have a bit of an obsession when it comes to FENNEL.  It is so delicious in soups and stews and salads and I just really like it.  I dreamt up a couple of recipes and they both include this sweet juicy vegetable.

One of them was designed to use up some leftovers and the other is great if you can find yourself a couple of boneless, skinless chicken breasts.  This second one, I forgot to take pictures of since we were feeling like eating.  So I find myself in a bit of a dilemma.  Should I post the recipe without pictures?  I think I will and the next time I make it I will add the pictures.

I call this one 40 minute chicken with applesauce and maple syrup.

The wheels started to turn and I headed to the grocery store for the ingredients to fill in the spaces.  I ended up with something pretty tasty.

I am calling it Turkey Brown Rice Curry Bowl.  Give it a try!

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