Saturday dinners

I still remember that Saturday evening. It happened about 20 years ago.
I had decided it was a good night to cook roast beef with mashed potatoes and vegetables. The smell floated through the house and I looked forward to serving it to my family.
We sat down together and my middle child who was 8 looked at his plate, looked at me and quite decisively said
“Why did you make this? This is not a Saturday night dinner. Saturday night dinners are supposed to be pizza or tacos or something.”
Yes, the little ones I gave life to were never shy about stating their opinions.
Needlessly to say, that was the last time roast beef was served on a Saturday night in our home.
Funny thing is
I get it!
I do feel the same way. Saturday night, the summit of a week past, is a time to celebrate. It is a fun, self satisfied time when a party atmosphere should be enjoyed.
FUN Food!
Lesson learned
Fun it was and fun it is.
Let’s eat party food
Today, it was TACOS

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