Rice, plain and simple

So, with our meatballs tonight, I decided rice would be a good accompaniment.
Nothing fancy or difficult.
I didn’t even make it with chicken stock, like I most often do.
Just water and rice, a bit of salt and a teaspoon of butter.
For four generous serving:
1 1/2 cups of rice. I went to the pantry and found a bit of brown, and a bit of wild. I thought I wouldn’t add white since I wanted to keep it “whole grain”.
A few years back and for quite a number of years, I cooked lunches at a school. Those were interesting and fun years.
I made lots of cookies and tried to come up with ideas for relatively healthy food that youngsters with two or three dollars in their pockets might choose to eat.
Not an easy task.

Anyway, more about that on a different day.

For a couple of those school years, I had two asian mothers helping out a couple of days a week.
They were lots of fun and had ideas some of which I had no idea about.
One of them was how to cook rice.
Let me tell you, their suggestions were unconventional as far as I could tell, but they worked so I am about to pass one of them on to you.


Once you add your rice to your pot
you add water so that when you have your middle finger pointing at the rice and j u s t barely touching the tip top of the rice, the water comes JUST ABOVE YOUR FIRST KNUCKLE. You will notice my rice water looks rather redish. That’s because I used the can I took the tomatoes out of for my awemazing meatballs and added my water to that so I would not leave any tomato goodness in the can. There wasn’t much. not enough to make my rice tomatoey.

Yep, I kid you not!
And since that day, that’s how I make rice.
Rice in pot
water to the first knuckle
1 Tsp. butter
1/2 tsp. salt
give it a stir
bring to boil, covered, on high
turn back to medium low for about 15 minutes (maybe 20)
give it a taste
if it still needs more cooking and the water appears to be pretty much gone, add another 1/4 cup or 1/3 and let it go another few minutes.
Yep! As I said before, I kid you not!

Some like their meatballs ON their rice and some like it BESIDE!
Some like their meatballs ON their rice and some like it BESIDE!

Eat it with Meatballs, or chicken, or just about anything
it’s good!

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