Well, it’s a new day


It’s me, here to tell you a story, a tale of living and choices, of trouble and victory and more choices, that change life.


Some things you may or may not know about me and have been anxiously waiting to know.

I have been married to Rob Staley for 36 + years

We were Married in Vancouver and three weeks later we drove Rob’s teeny tiny Honda Civic (which I couldn’t drive because of the standard transmission but by the time we reached Toronto I was becoming more capable) to Toronto, the center of the universe as we were soon to learn and how thankful we were to discover this truth before our roots were firmly planted elsewhere.   spoken with just a small amount of sarcasm.

We were poor as church mice (Nanoism and she knew poor, only too well) and I wonder how we could have survived had it not been for the generous help from Rob’s parents and grandparents. We left kit and Kin for the great unknown and so many of you reading this, know what that’s about and how it feels.

We were mere babies and had much to learn, about pretty much everything.

’round about 1996 I gave a talk, in front of upwards of 150 ladies, about life, my life, about choices and decisions and joy and thankfulness and hard things.
That talk was met with varied review.

**”I can’t belief you would have the audacity (I am fond of that word and perhaps because it is descriptive of my life. I am, if nothing else, audacious) to say such things, to suggest your life is less than victorious, to tell us publicly, that your life is hard.”

**”Thank you for laying the appearance of a perfect life open, right there in front of us,”

**”yes! joy, thankfulness is a choice, a choice I choose.  I’m kind of glad your life isn’t perfect because it helps me feel better about my own life.”

So why did I lay my life open?  Why did I share what I shared?  Maybe it was a call for help.  Perhaps it came from a place of loneliness.  Maybe it was an experiment, to see who might show interest.  Maybe it was an opportunity to tell those ladies that it doesn’t matter what the struggle is, God can bring joy.  Maybe it was meant for the few who grasped it with breaking hearts and recognized that we were kindred and that if I had reason to hope, so did they.  I don’t know why, truthfully.  But I do know that God is good, always.  I do know that even when IT is tough, hope is never gone.  I am still learning that even when life is in critical condition, the creator of that life still holds the shallowly beating heart, keeping it safe and warm.

I have three children, one daughter in law, one near perfect grandson, a husband who loves his job, is extremely gifted and spends much time doing it
and all of them, these loved ones, are on their way.
They are launched,
doing what they do.
God and His plan for their lives is front and center for most and I am thankful that they are learning and we all know it takes a lifetime to fully learn, that God does His thing in His time. Obeying and seeking and following, requires a whole lot of waiting and carrying on and waiting and listening. It’s worth it but the next step is not always clear.

Now, in case you have wondered, this life of mine tends to be solitary and sometimes by choice and sometimes not.

I have, over time wondered,
thought and maybe even longed
to venture out.
I’ve pondered the possibility of pursuing a challenge

of my own.

’round about 1997 I started a very little cafe in the Christian school my children attended. I worked hard and hauled car load after car load, of food, snacks, flour, sugar and eggs. I made many dozens of cookies almost every day and most often they were gone by noon. I created a menu and chatted each morning with teenagers who were looking for approval and encouragement. They bought giant chocolate chip cookies for 25 cents and I loved my time in that little kitchen. I asked a friend to join me, to help with the work load and it was a good time. We together asked another friend, a few years later, to join us and running that little cafe was a highlight for me. Eventually it ran its course and a few years ago, after a run of 15 years, I passed the baton and bowed out.

When I was not much more than a toddler I had some very strong ideas of how I should live life. My bed for instance was never unmade. Goodness! It was actually always made


Not a bump or a ripple. Smooth and beautiful.

Yes, still now, my morning routine is,
up out of bed✔️
blinds open✔️
bed made ✔️
and the day begins.
No judgement! It’s just how I need it to be. I actually feel depressed if I walk into a dark bedroom with an unmade bed.

So what?

Just don’t leave me yet because the best, the New part
is just about here.

I love making beds, I thrive on preparing meals for people.
I gravitate to interaction, with strangers and friends alike


I have started a B&B. Officially it’s an Air B&B and I am hosting my fourth group right now. They are young.  They are from Switzerland and as I write, they are swimming, in the lake, just there.  I’m making breakfasts and picnic lunches and dinners (tonight is teriyaki beef with rice and vegetables) I’m making beds, with ironed pillow cases and crisp white sheets. I’m welcoming strangers and saying goodbye to friends.
I am doing what God made me to do at this time, for this time and I have no idea how long He will let me do it, help me to do it, enable me to do it, open doors for me to do it, or when He will tell me there is something else, somewhere else, somebody else who needs my attention.

But for now, He is letting me have my own Something.
He is blessing me by saying, “this is for you. This is where you should be, now do it and do it with joy. I Love you.”

Oh yes,

The name of this Air B&B is HILLSIDE near Algonquin B&B and every available day but  two, between now and November is booked, solid.


His mercies are new every morning and He is patient and kind. He has good things for us, friends.

My gift to you today is this.

Look carefully. Even in discouragement, sadness, grief and sickness. God’s plan is always good and never intended to harm. He is Love and sometimes that Love doesn’t look the way we want it to look and Sometimes that Love is exactly what we hoped it would be but were so convinced it couldn’t.

So, tenacity, boldness.  They are good when viewed through the lens of obedience to the one who Loves us most.

He is the one whose love is everlasting and He places within us the desires of our heart. (I’ve told you that before)He made us with a purpose in mind and sometimes that purpose lines up perfectly with our hopes

Our dreams.

And because His timing is perfect, sometimes the
Making of a Way to Live in New Hope
is to give us something unexpected to enjoy.

18 thoughts on “Well, it’s a new day

  1. I love how you have written with such honesty and transparency Pam. I feel like I saw a little deeper into your heart while reading this, which makes me that much happier for you in your new endeavor! And when I think how this would not be QUITE so perfect for me, I am rejoicing for you, because God has gifted and equipped you SO perfectly for this, and for such a time as this! Which points once again to His extradordinary goodness and amazing care for us.
    I’m sure I can safely speak for many, to say how much any one of us, would crave the opportunity to be your guest, and what a privilege it would be! May all your guests be blessed with peacefulness and an awarenesses of the Lord’s awesomeness during their stay, and also be a blessing to you!

  2. My expectations for written communication are high. (Perhaps all of my expectations are high but that’s a different story!!) So to say that you have become one of my favorite authors in these past 5 years is truly saying something. I loved reading this. Blessings to you, friend.

    1. You are a funny guy Lucas Cooper! I accept your compliment and thank you. Thanks also for the blessing!

  3. This post is so honest and touching! What an amazing gift you have in warmth, kindness and hospitality, and to be able to share this with friends and strangers on a regular basis must be such an exciting ministry! The Lord will bless through you, as He already has.

    1. Thanks Betty Ann!
      I don’t know if they will let me post the link or if you need to go to the air B&B website. If you type in Huntsville, Baysville it should come up. I will look into posting the link.

  4. Oh Pam. I always cry when I read your posts because they are so honest and do beautiful . What a gifted woman you are – writing , creating, cooking , encouraging and much more as you will be the most gracious hostess ever . God bless you in your new adventure .

  5. So wonderfully expressed and writing! You are an amazing hostess!! Your guest will be so blessed through you! This is so exciting and wonderful. congratulations!

  6. How absolutely wonderful and I’m so happy for you dear Pam! You are a great hostess and I am not one bit surprised that you are doing this!! Congratulations and I wish you all the very best as you share your love of cooking, people, hospitality, and most of all your warmth and smile. Love you tons sweet thing!!! Xoxo

  7. I too make my bed when I rise in the morning and open the blinds to allow the new day in…BUT…I do not iron my pillow cases.

    Thanks Pam for sharing these heart felt words. Your words always move me.

    Your B&B guests are so blessed. Here is to your new adventure. I know it is going to be a huge success.

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