The Very Best Cookies

The Almost Everything Cookie

I know, I am very fickle when it comes to my Favourite cookie. I keep learning. 

Trust me! This is a winner. There are a couple of new techniques I have learned from my good friends on Instagram. (Love insta). One of those things being, to plan just a bit in advance and refrigerate the dough balls for at least 30 minutes before baking. Believe me, it makes a big difference to the finished product. Trouble is, I struggle with planning ahead when it comes to baking cookies. I feel like eating cookies, I make cookies. 

I am trying to get better though. 

Here you go and once again, you are welcome.  

The Almost Everything Cookie 

Preheat oven to 375

-1 cup room temperature butter 

-3/4 cup natural unsalted peanut butter (it is okay if it is cold)

-2 eggs

-1 cup packed brown sugar (either light or dark, but the dark contains some molasses which also adds flavour)

-1/2 cup granulated sugar

-2tsp. Pure vanilla extract 

-2 1/2 cups all purpose flour (you can also do half AP and half whole grain) 

-1tsp. Baking powder

-1/2 tsp. Baking Soda

-1tsp salt (do not skip the salt)

-1/ 3 cup chopped walnuts or pecans

-1/3 cup chopped toasted unsalted almonds

-1//3 cup chopped roasted peanuts  

-1 -1 1/2 cups chocolate chips (who am I to tell you how many chocolate chips you should put in your cookies) And if you are not a chocolate chip lover, just leave them out and add raisins. Or throw in a few of each.

*Optional- 1 cup raisins

*Prepare two baking sheets with parchment. (Always parchment, friends) 

*Brown 1/2 cup butter. Put it in a small saucepan and let it bubble, stirring or swirling constantly until it begins to turn brown.  As soon as you see it beginning to turn a rich golden colour, remove it from the heat. It should be just turning golden, but it will burn if left too long. Browning your butter adds so much flavour to the cookies. Once it is browned 

Remove from the heat and add the peanut butter, set aside. you don’t need to stir or mix. Just let them sit together while they cool a bit.

*In the bowl of your mixer 

Blend the other half cup butter with the two sugars until creamed. But Just until creamed. Don’t over mix. 

*Add eggs and mix

*add vanilla and mix slightly 

*once the browned butter/peanut butter has cooled for ten minutes, add to the mixing bowl and stir until blended 

*add flour, baking powder and Soda, salt, 

Nuts and chocolate chips. 

Mix until everything is blended. Begin on low or you will end up covered in flour. 

If you do not need all of the cookies, bake just what you want.  Make dough balls with the whole batch and freeze on a baking sheet for an hour or two. Put them in a ziploc bag and freeze. Bake as you need/want them.  

On the first baking sheet, 

Place cookie clumps. I don’t worry about perfect balls. A cookie scoop works well, I’m told. They never work for me. I always break them immediately. I use a tablespoon and make heaping spoonful mounds.   I have read a few recipes that say to make your cookies a one third cup size each. I think that is too big!  Yikes!

Place the mounds/balls at least two inches apart on all sides. 

Now the important part. 

Place sheet in the fridge (yes, you might need to clear a shelf. It’s only a few minutes) for 30 minutes


Place sheet in the freezer for 15 minutes. No need to cover the pan. 

Bake cookies for 12-15 minutes or until they are puffed and beginning to get golden. 

Please remember Pam’s golden rule of cookie baking. 

Always remove cookies from the oven when they are still soft and look slightly undercooked. 
