That Thanksgiving

If I was to ask you what comes to mind when I say, That Christmas, you might tell me The Christmas. The First Christmas. Jesus, the Angels, The Greatest Gift. If I was to ask what comes to mind when I say, That Easter, you would perhaps tell me, The First Easter. Jesus, the cross, death, life, Everlasting Life. Some of you might even say, The Easter Bunny and we will need to talk about that another time.

If I ask you what comes to mind when I say, That Thanksgiving, you might need to think just a bit longer. You might then say, the Pilgrims, bounty, harvest, food. These would of course be correct, but would not be the answer I’m thinking of, right now, on October 11th, 2023. You see, to me, That Thanksgiving was The Thanksgiving when I, in a second, in the last flutter of a weak breath, became motherless. I know, lots of us remember such a day. That memorable, difficult and maybe even heart shattering day. The one when our mother took her last breath. So many of you, friends of mine, were here with me, well, there with me, those last weeks. Thanks for that. You see, my mother, Nano 2, went to her real home, her everlasting home, on Sunday, October 11th, 2015. It was Thanksgiving Sunday. The hospice she was spending her last days in, was more than good. Better than we could have dreamed or planned for. They had invited us to spend Thanksgiving dinner around their table, while our mum slept upstairs. We did not get to eat that meal, there, because she left us the night before. We kind of wished she could have waited just a few hours longer, because that meal was going to be good. It’s okay. We found something to eat at my sister’s house. I think. It’s all a bit blurry. That was eight years ago and time flies, for sure.

Eight years, two little boys, one extra daughter, bring our family number to nine and our dear matriarch, Nano, mum, did not meet any of them. Just imagine what she would say about our littlest ones and to our Tatiana. It’s best she is where God wants her to be. Obviously!

She, Nano 2, went Home just days before her 94th Birthday and I have told you several times between then and now, that we sent her off with love and admiration and more than a few hip hip hoorays. It was time for her to leave us. We knew that and we would never wish her back. We miss her. Especially when certain days roll around. For each of us, her three children, the days that are memorable are different. For me, the days I miss her most are Fall days. She often came to visit us here in Ontario in the Fall. When I smell Autumn and apples ready to be picked and prepare my turkey stuffing and make my Nano relish and take a walk in the cool of falling leaves, I remember her. This year has been no different. I don’t long for her. I don’t weep at the thought of her being gone. I think of her. I remember who she was and the things she would say. Her last visit to us, here in Toronto, was October 2013. My sister was going to be away from her home, which was down the street from our mama’s home and the timing was good for her to visit. It was also perfect, since she would be here for her 92nd Birthday. My sister put her on the plane in Alberta and I got her off the plane here, in Toronto and then,

We had a party. We had banners and sashes and loot bags and food and you, many of you, came to that party and hugged our girl and wished her Happy Birthday and it was so special and it was her last visit here and when I think of Fall and Nano, I think of my friends who celebrated with us. Two years after that beautiful party, Mum died. Well, her body died, but the real Nano, the real mum, is alive and well, eating toast and drinking tea with dad, in God’s Heaven. My childhood was filled with all kinds of happy and sad, but one of the warm and comforting memories, is of my parents having toast and tea before bed, every night of my life until I left home and then every night after that until dad went to Glory.

Thank you, Friends. Fall is happy and just a little bitter sweet, because it is such a beautiful time and it reminds me of my dear mum and her Birthday and so many precious memories. Autumn was really a perfect time for God to take her away. Who am I to argue with His timing anyway? He knows the plans He has for us.

Today I thought of her because I decided to throw caution to the wind and make something without a recipe. I do it all the time, but Nano, never. I have many of her dog-eared cards in my box. I used to use them often. These days though, I just jump in. I see what I have in the fridge and go from there.

I had some leftovers from my Pumpkin pie making the other day and didn’t want them to go to waste. So I hauled them all out of the fridge and decided to make a pumpkin sheet cake.

I did get my phone out and look for pumpkin cakes. I found a couple and adapted them both to meet my own needs. A bit more of one thing and an introduction of another. I was pleasantly surprised, I will admit, at the outcome. I shared the finished product with a few people, including my elderly neighbour.

It really was so easy and it bakes quickly, because it is done on a sheet pan (as the name says) and yes, there is a piece missing in the photo below. Just a tiny piece, for quality control. To be honest, by the time I was ready for my round of deliveries, there were a few of those tiny pieces missing. It was tasty.

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