Sweet Conviction

I’m here!

The kitchen is a mess.  Stewed rhubarb is on the stove, cookies are cooling and cake is waiting to be iced.  The fridge is almost overflowing and I may have had to use a little extra effort to close the door.  The rain has paused for a few minutes although if They are to be believed, it won’t be for long.

Honest to Goodness Gracious if I’m not having a bit of a time this morning.  Has your heart ever overflowed with joy to the point where you just want to cry?  I’m not talking Happy or Good Vibes.  No.  It’s a God thing.  A mountain top, bringing my face to the ground.    I have some stuff going on and for all of us there are days when there is tough stuff going on.  Today though, here at my house, God has come, in a special kind of way.

Matt Redmond is singing to God and I get to listen.  The album is called  Unbroken Praise.  I just know God is smiling at the words His boy, Matt is saying and I think He’s looking at me too.  I’m sure of it.   I know it because He has reached down and put His hand on my head and taken hold of my heart this morning.

Unbroken praise be Yours, God, forever
All my praise be Yours, God, forever
Lord, take this life
Let it become Your throne
Unbroken praise be Yours

No, this is not Happy.  This is, I am so awed by your Glory Lord.  By Your Greatness God.  It’s these moments I pray for.  I ask for.  Rain raining, gloom all over the sky and God here, with me, in my kitchen.  He is love and He is Great and I won’t forget today, that He is Strong.  He is God and not to be pushed aside.

God You can tell the waves be still
Tell the ocean roar to pass
Lord until it does
I’ll wait here

God You can part the raging sea
Bring the miracle I need
Lord until it comes
I’ll wait here

And I will sing
Songs in the night
Praise in the storm
You’re God in it all
And I will stand
I’ll be still and know
Whatever may come
You’re God in it all

And so when I am in the storm
Lord the storm is not in me
You will be my peace
I’ll wait here
I’ll wait here

Your love
Your love
Won’t leave me in the shadows
Oh Your love
Your love
Forever by my side
I will not be afraid
You are my song in the night

He has it, people.  He has all of it.  The whole World.  The good and bad and in the moments we aren’t thinking about taking time to come into His presence, He comes into ours.

He came into mine.

Yesterday out of the blue, people said nice things about me.  I was so very blessed and thankful for the kind words.  It was on social media but I felt pretty good and even thankful and then I said something that keeps replaying and then when I woke up I heard a quiet reminder, deep, say,

you are wrong and I know I am and I was.  I said something about my self esteem and being thankful for the kind words because it makes me feel good

about me and I was wrong and that, dear friends, is the difference between guilt and conviction.  The Spirit of God convicts us because He loves us and wants to teach us.  It isn’t to bully us or make us feel inferior or guilty or bad.  It’s all for Love.  He teaches through conviction so we can learn and carry on to do the good He’s is working

in us.

through us.

Our job is to hear what He’s saying and make the wrong right and carry on to be who He’s making us into.

All For Love!

I am living to be who He has called me to be and any good in me is not me and that’s for sure.

It’s God in me.

It’s God IN me

I tell you.

I was a broken mess of a vessel that has been put back together because of Jesus

blood shed and death on the cross

and His work IN ME

Yesterday I sat across the table, twice, with people and talked and you KNOW how I love sitting across the table from people.  Not texting.  Not emailing.  We actually looked at each other and said words that were good and any good in me

Is because of HIM

And today He Blessed me because



because He looked at me and said

I will bless you today because I will♥

I am worshiping Him right now, right here because the good in me is Him.

“Your Love won’t leave me in the shadows.

I will not be afraid

you are my song in the night”

And now I’m going back to the sink to peel some things and He is here and is there too,

with You.

Praise Him in the clouds and the gloom and open your curtains and look out.

He is The mighty, Holy, Worthy, Good, Powerful, Kind, Gentle, Gracious,



Happy Saturday, Friends.  Let God Bless someone through you today.



6 thoughts on “Sweet Conviction

  1. Thx for your post Pam. Today I will be again spending time with a dear friend who lost her 24yr old son recently to suicide. It’s been a hard few weeks, but I know this song will minister. Thankfully we have Jesus to guide us through such tradgity and grief. I covet your prayers as I minister to her. Yes it is God in us that shines through, and all glory be to Him! Love and miss you girl friend! Might be making a trip out east in late Aug or Sept to Sudbury or might lay over in Toronto if you’re around?

    1. I would love to see you Colleen! Let me know when you know your dates. I expect to be around at the end of August.

  2. Pam……this is such a ‘powerful and wonderful’ *(at the same time)* truth about Who God is Within Us. The realization that it is HE that is within us,,,that makes us who we are because we Trust Him. Like you said, It is not us that gets the compliments , but giving Praise to the God that has Revealed himself to us and others through us.

    I have been called the “Dementia Whisperer” *(which is kind of a funny but thought provoking statement)* I have been called that by my nursing students when we work in the dementia ward constantly. I came to a conclusion about 10yrs ago,,,,that it is God’s Spirit in me,,,that shines through me to them,, that calms them down. Nothing I have done…but He speaks through me to them,,and it does have a ‘calming effect’ on their bodies and hearts. I am so Blessed today too as I recognize the God that is Within Me…… allows us to have so much…..When we Trust Him as we ‘Walk Along His Side” day by day…..letting Him guide us step by step. That in itself just brings tears to my heart~~~!! Thank you Jesus….~~!!!
    *(Pam, thank you for listening to God…and writing what he has laid on your heart. His word Blesses me ever so much….and I love that song by Matt Redman~~!! I posted it to my Timeline too~~! )*

    1. Thank you Ev! You are an encourager and I am glad you found the post a Blessing.

  3. He has blessed me today, through your reflection. I listened to Matt Redmond’s song and, of course, it touches the longng I have to truly surrender to the Lord, trusting His promise to be all I need. I am in a challenging place in my life this week and am happy to have your blog post for joy and Matt Redmond’s song for a prayer, family for love and the Lord to hold everything together for me.

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