Stan and Mary and Hospitality

Those seagulls are at it, still.  Day and night they call and cry and search and find and feast. Such unruly creatures.  Somewhat like a certain elite group of inhabitants of this town on the east coast of Scotland in the kingdom of Fife.  Not all of the inhabitants.   I am told the number of students in this place make up one third of the population, during the school year.  This week ahead, we leave at the beginning, will be full of revelry and celebration, by students and their families. It’s graduation week here at Saint Andrews.  Not a favorite week for our hosts.   Of course, these students have worked hard and are deserving of attention and some loosening of ties and collars.  Perhaps the ones  on the other side of this fence could have waited just a few more days before beginning their festivities.  At least the after midnight ones.  Their joyful voices combined with those of our feathered friends made for a choir I have not much taste for or interest in at 1:00 in the morning.  Our host mentioned the other day with rolled eyes, that we live in the middle of a university campus and must deal with all of the trappings that accompany it.  I have not spent much time in the midst of a university town with all of it’s goings on.  Interesting indeed.  

Having begun this story with a bit of a negative tone, I can assure you that these, noisy creatures of both the human and feathered kinds, have not dampened my fondness for their cathedral city.  I wondered today as I wandered one last time, what it would be like to visit a little more often.  I was happy at the thought.  I like it here.  Very much.  Saint Andrews, Fife and I got on famously.  

Quaint, mixed with modern.  

Cream teas next door to fine steak and the latest in beet and goat cheese salad.  Interesting how trends move quickly to different locales around the world.  Bread with balsamic and olive oil, or if you prefer, little rounds of hard butter.  Of course a restaurant worth it’s salt would never serve soft butter.  Where ever in the world it is located.  Perish the thought.  Pesto, goat cheese, beets, fig and stilton, chocolate mousse and let’s not forget the different flavors of gelato.  It’s all here,  In this wee town.  Saint Andrews might look modest but I can assure you it is mighty in stature.  The beauty of it’s ancient buildings as well as the surrounding countryside is breathtaking, awe inspiring, charming.  In a word, lovely.   A favorite destination of mine.  Invite me back, anytime.  

I have walked the streets, up and down and crosswise, every one of the four full days we have been here.  

It is new and fresh every time.

 The sea walk is just minutes from the commercial streets.  Today I wandered for several hours and could have carried on except for the blisters that appeared on the tops of my feet (of all places) where my sandals rubbed from the hiking up and down and back and forth.  Church bells ring out the hour, every hour.  People are friendly and helpful and there is a small town atmosphere here.  The languages spoken around me are many and varied.  I have played a game quietly, asking myself what language I was listening to at any given time.  Next to me in the breakfast room of this lovely

Aslar House ,


there were two tables, each with a father and son.  One set from the czech republic and the other, I am not certain but would say somewhere in scandinavia.  Norway.  It is especially fun to guess, American vs. Canadian.  I am quite good at that one.

 So, this morning, after breakfast, I asked our hosts how they would feel about my mentioning them on this blog.  They kindly said “of course”.  “Sure”.  I told them I do this for fun and also to share, thoughts and pictures.  (I didn’t mention the recipe part)  These hosts are Stan and Mary and they are great at what they do.  This is not a forever kind of life for them.  In the past they worked in a family business.  In Edinburgh.  They have owned and operated this guest house for a few years and now it is for sale.  They keep it spotless and as they do that, converse with their guests in a friendly and hospitable way. They both work on putting clean linens on beds and serving breakfast to the guests.  Both Stan and Mary have a wonderful sense of humour  and in the past days we have shared a few laughs.  Mary is another recent acquaintance I am quite sure would help me laugh on a regular basis if we were neighbors or rubbed shoulders every once in awhile.  But of course we aren’t and we don’t.  

Yesterday I asked if there was a place for me to do a load of laundry.  Yes, we go home tomorrow but why take a suitcase full of dirty laundry if you can take a suitcase full of clean clothes?  I ask!  Mary kindly suggested I might want to do my laundry in the ‘house’ machines and even left ‘pegs’ for me to hang it all outside after washing.  I did not take the time for that but was happy to use her machines.  I went for my morning walk, which I will tell you about shortly, and when I returned, found this note on the dresser in our perfectly clean room.  Ironed pillowcases included.  Yes, a girl after my own (and Nano‘s) heart.  I had a laugh at the comment and was appreciative of her offer.    Hospitality!  It’s a very good thing. 


Stan and Mary  don’t know that hospitality happens to be near and dear to my heart.  I spot it a long way off and am drawn to it in others.  What can ever be the harm in being friendly?  It is quite lovely to share experiences and a quick smile or a laugh, although the two paths will in all likelihood never cross again.  It takes effort I suppose and this may be the excuse some would use.  

Anything worth doing is worth effort, I say.  It’s entirely possible someone famous, one of our forefathers or a remarkable school teacher or psychologist has said it before me. Nonetheless, I like it and will say it again.  When it pops into my mind.  

So Stan and Mary have shared their spotlessly clean, well appointed, reasonably priced, guest house with us and I would encourage you, if St. Andrews has never been a destination on your bucket list, to add it.  

It is a special place full of all kinds of beauty to behold and nice people to experience.

Thank you Stan and Mary!  You have made our visit even more memorable.  

Your Aslar Guest house has been a lovely Home away! 

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