Sausage Soup with a slightly Indian Twist

makes 12 generous servings

This soup does have a bit of a kick but I would not say it is Hot!  Flavourful!


6 sausages

1 28oz. Can diced tomatoes (preferably an Italian brand) not stewed.

I get my sausages from the St.Lawrence Market. On Saturdays the farmers market sets up shop just south of the main building and I get most of my meat from a booth run by John and Tanya Gerber of Tanjo Family Farm in Millbank. There’s not a thing in that meat except meat and it is beautiful. Well as beautiful as raw meat can be. But it’s also delicious and I recommend you take yourself to their place of business if you get a chance.

We have talked about tomatoes before. The best ones are actually just about any that come from Italy. San Marzano are so good and rich and full of nutrients. You can get them in many stores now and I usually get mine at Longos. I did buy a case at Costco not long ago.

1 cup diced sweet potato (skin removed)
I 1/2 cups cauliflower florets. (1 1/2 inch pieces)
1 cup diced carrot (skin removed)
1 cup diced celery
2 cups FINELY chopped kale
4 cups of fresh chicken broth (or one carton sodium reduced from the grocery store)

delicious kale

1 tsp. curry
1 tsp. cumin

1/2 in fresh ginger grated (if you don’t have any ginger, that is fine. Not essential)
1 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. pepper
1 cup canned chickpeas drained and rinsed.
1 can coconut milk


Prepare vegetables by peeling and dicing. Set aside.

slit casings of sausages and put meat in your pre heated saucepan. Break up sausage and stir, on medium heat until it is slightly browned. Approximately 5 minutes.

add vegetables and stir

add chicken broth and tomatoes and
bring to boil on high.  If you are using tomatoes that are whole or in large pieces, break them up with your wooden spoon as they are cooking.

Reduce heat to a nice gentle simmer.  (Medium low) You want the vegetables to cook but you don’t want your broth to boil away.  Add spices and stir.   If it looks too thick, add some water but not more than one cup.
continue to cook on medium or medium low for 45 minutes, just a simmer.

add coconut milk and chick peas and stir. You can add a bit more water now if you think it is too thick.

Taste the soup and adjust salt and pepper if necessary.

The soup should be thick but still have lots of juice.

Eat and enjoy!

what you don’t eat can be stored in the freezer in plastic containers or it will keep in the fridge for two to three days.

Since I made this soup to give away, I put it into jars while it was very hot. I wanted the jars to seal so they can stay in the fridge for several weeks.

This is delicious with fresh bread! I mean, what isn’t good with fresh bread?