Marinade and Glaze for Barbecued Chicken


Mix ingredients.  Put chicken pieces in large freezer bag and pour marinade into bag.  Allow to sit for at least 12 hours or overnight.  This will do for 20 bone in chicken thighs.  (I bought them at Costco.  The big package.  Removed the skin and marinated them.  I prefer to marinate chicken with the skin removed because I don’t eat the skin.  I want to be sure the actual meat is well coated so that the flavour is not removed with the skin) Once you put the chicken on the barbecue, place the rest of the marinade in a saucepan and add other GLAZE ingredients.

1 cup balsamic vinegar

1TBLSP worcestershire  sauce

1/2 cup brown sugar

1TBLSP celery seed

1 tsp. black pepper

1 tsp. garlic powder

1 tsp. salt

Barbecue the chicken pieces and place in 9X13 pan.  Pour glaze over the top and serve right away or place in a 250 degree oven for half an hour until the rest of your meal is ready.


In saucepan bring the following ingredients to a boil.

leftover marinade

1/2 cup red wine

1/2 cup honey

When it is just beginning to boil, add:

1TBLSP of corn starch that you have dissolved in 3 TBLSP of water.  If you would prefer the glaze to be a bit thicker add 1 tsp. corn starch that you have dissolved in 1TBLSP water.

Stir and reduce heat to medium. Cook for two minutes and pour over cooked chicken.  As an alternate method you can brush the glaze on the chicken in the last five minutes of barbecuing so that it cooks on the chicken just a little.