6 thoughts on “RECIPES

  1. Hi Pam,

    We arrived home tonight back in Florida. Thanks again for such a wonderful experience and stay. I did manage to carry home 4 lovely peaches in my carry on. They will need to be used tomorrow. I was hoping you could send me your jam recipe. I searched your blog….??

    1. Hi Denise
      I am so happy that you enjoyed your stay. I had to laugh about your “4 lovely peaches.” Good for you. I’m wondering if your sticks made it and how your leaves are doing??

      I am sorry about the jam recipe. You are right. I have not had a chance to get it done yet.
      It would be easier to send the recipe to you via email.
      Would you be willing to give me your email?
      I will get the recipe to you right away.

      1. Momofbichon@gmail.com. I just had the opportunity to look back. My wonderful memories keep me going this past week. So hard to come back after finding a little piece of tranquility at hillside. Unfortunately my sticks did not make it. It was my sticks or two bottles of wine. The wine won. My leaves made it perfectly in that magazine. If you had not told me to flatten they would have been in pieces. They dried nicely and i have shared them with friends who needed a little bit of fall. It must be about time for your India guests. I just hope they hit peak leaf season. What a treat for them. Thank you so much for sharing the jam recipe. Tomorrow’s agenda is aunt Beulah biscuits and jam. I will use a few pieces of rhubarb I had in freezer along with my peaches. I’ll let you know how it comes out.

        1. Your message made me smile!
          Thank you for the compliment and yes, please let me know how it all turns out.

    2. Hi again, Denise!
      I didn’t hear back from you about an email address, so I will try to give you the recipe here.

      Peach and plum jam

      You don’t need to use plums if you don’t have them.
      You do need four (ish) cups of fruit
      If you are using just peaches, you will likely need 8 or 10

      Cut an x in the top of each peach and put it in a bowl. Cover it with boiling water and leave it to sit for 2 minutes.

      Remove the skin and pit from the peaches, dice them and place them in a heavy saucepan.
      Place whatever other fruit you wish to use, into the pan as well.

      Add 1/3 cup white sugar and turn heat to medium.
      Add zest and juice from one lemon
      Bring fruit to a boil, stirring often so it cooks evenly and does not stick to the pan.
      Cook for 15 minutes
      With a handheld blender (or put the mixture into an actual blender)
      Give the fruit mixture a couple of pulses. If you want a few larger pieces in your jam, just be sure you don’t blend it too much.

      Put mixture back into pan, add 2 1/2 cups sugar,
      And 1 box of CERTO LIGHT
      If you can’t buy certo, there will be some kind of pectin sold for jam making.
      You want the one that uses less sugar.

      Stir into fruit and bring to a boil

      Have small jars washed and ready to fill
      Have your metal lids warming in a pan of water on the stove.

      The keys for the next step are

      Make sure the fruit mixture is boiling
      Make sure you wipe the top of the jar very well after you fill it. If there is even a tiny bit of anything on the top, your jar won’t seal.

      It seems like a lot of sugar and really, that’s what jam is. But considering how much jam you use at one time, I say it’s okay!!
      If some of your jars don’t seal, don’t worry. They will keep, in the fridge, for months.

      Let me know if you have any questions.

    3. Me again!
      I think the three cups of sugar will be too much. You will like it better if you only have a total of 3 cups. Maybe even 2 3/4 cups.
      And make sure you leave 1/2 inch at the top once you fill the jars.

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