Potatoes and Cookies?


I know!

Unlikely combination.  Well you won’t necessarily make them together or even on the same day.

Today I did

I just felt like eating a baked potato and I’ve been hankering (a strong desire to have or do something) some fresh cookies.  I often have cookie balls in the freezer ready and waiting for baking.

Today I didn’t

So I baked some potatoes and mixed up a batch of cookies.

These aren’t just any cookies.  They’re Double Double chocolate

Now, until just a few years ago I had no idea there were actually people out there who did NOT like chocolate.  To me, the idea is pretty crazy.  Oh well, you never stop learning and finding things out about the people you rub shoulders with.  I like a good peanut butter cookie and raisin oatmeal too.  But they don’t replace chocolate.

So I’m sharing the recipe for the Double Double chocolate with you and I hope you enjoy them.

I’m sure you already know, but just in case, I’ll remind you, that when we make chocolate chip cookies we always use either semi sweet or even better, bitter sweet chocolate chips.  Just because they’re better.  Sweet cookies and milk chocolate make,

way too much sweet.

You may say that this is my opinion but I must tell you I am quite sure there is a rule someplace, about semi/bitter sweet versus milk.

There must be!

Well, along with the cookies, I made some dinner for my husband.  I had lunch out with a friend and just didn’t need another big meal.  I did bake myself a potato though, which I ate while he ate his full dinner.  We are fond of baked potatoes.  Are you?  My husband grew up with baked potatoes done in the microwave, which may well be the way you bake your potatoes.  Yes, it’s quick and easy, but it isn’t the best.

Baked potatoes should be done in the oven, 400 degrees for an hour and twenty minutes.  Or 350 for an hour and thirty minutes.  Or microwave for five minutes and then bake at 350 for one hour.  If you start with the microwave, poke the potato a couple of times on each side and wrap it in paper towel, first)  Any of these is satisfactory and will give you an end result of crispy skin and soft inside.  You cannot rush a baked potato.  If you haven’t had a truly well baked one, you have missed out.

Potato cooked just about any Way is a favourite.  Just give it time to cook.


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