Tea Time in a Holy Place

Did you know that Holy places are not about the place?
No, they are all about who’s In the place. Who is present there.
Not just any
The Who in a Holy place is God almighty.
Well, God is everywhere, duh!

Beyond our understanding

But when we invite the Holy spirit, one part of the three in one, to be present, to show us who we are and how much greater He is,
He will do it.

I’ve been listening to this song today and the truth of it is living and breathing in my soul.

Sit yourself down, in a quiet five minutes. Listen! Think and listen.

I have a story here, in my heart  and I’ve been sitting on parts of it and yesterday there was a new chapter added and today there’s no containing and no stifling or waiting.

As a child I was uprooted and moved around and all for the sake of God’s directing. It was a Matter of Fact event when we would pack the boxes and settle into the car for yet another drive to a new town and a new church and a new group of people who would become our friends.
Change, of faces and homes and teachers and people all around, was the fabric into which was woven the experiences that would make us into the people we are.

When I was 23 I became a wife and a pilgrim to a foreign land. Sure, the land was here in Canada and still it was far and the adjustment hard.
There was one prayer that I prayed over and over and over and it went like this.
Dear God
you see me and you know me.
You made me and you love me.
Now that I’m here in this place, this foreign city
would you please give me a friend?
Just one friend.
a kindred spirit.

It’s thirty five years later and I’m still a wife and still living in this land. It stopped being foreign just a few years after we arrived and
God heard my prayer and He brought me friends, many friends.
Through the years he has taught me how to be a friend. He heard me and blessed me, with people who have been family with different blood and genes.

Three years after the initial wrenching by God, from West to East, He dropped a new friend right onto my street and into the center of my heart. Our children were friends and she and I were kindred.
We were both young and she was younger. We talked and drank tea and nurtured children and lived our lives
We cried together and admonished one another and learned from each other and
she gave me bushels of peaches from her father’s farm and taught me about
living simply and deeply and I grew, in knowledge and understanding.

I moved away and she moved away and we hardly saw each other and rarely spoke.
They moved to Africa and their hearts became one with the people they lived and breathed next to.
They came back. Not to the same street and how many times did she say she had found a house for me. One was just down the street and past two orchards and next to the river, another was around the bend and behind that fence and if I came we would pick fruit and can it together and we would keep learning from each other and we would be family
with different blood and different genes, and kindred.

Sometimes I take the two hour drive and land on her step and she serves me fresh chicken, grown and raised in the back yard next to the pond. We talk and talk and her husband comes and sits and we talk and talk and
listen to each other and learn and grow.

And they were wise and they are wise.
They encourage and teach and nurture and I think maybe they don’t know how much.
I tell them I love them and that they are God’s gift to me. I tell them I can’t get enough of the beauty of Jesus that lives in them and shines out all around and rests on me.
I tell them that their lives have made mine abundant.
I sit and rest with them and the loveliness of it is more than I can tell you.

She has cancer.  

Two months ago she said she had something to tell me and she told me.
I told her
No! No, I am not going to hear that from you. You are not allowed to have cancer.
We both know the choosing is not up to us.
for some reason has chosen her, this friend, to do this thing.
I have told Him, God,
that He mustn’t take her to Heaven. It’s okay to stretch her and teach her more
about Him.
It is not okay however, to take her away.

I won’t Have It!

Yesterday I went there, to that house by the pond and we talked and drank tea and a friend had made fresh cabbage rolls and when she told me the day before that the cabbage rolls were coming and I HAD to stay for dinner when I came,
I told her I would OF COURSE stay for dinner and
boy were they worth staying for.

For three hours, before the cabbage rolls arrived, we sat and talked and she talked and I listened and
words that she said to me

that sitting room with the worn and comfy couch and the beehives outside and the honey in my tea

was a Holy place.

It wasn’t Holy because she and I were sitting there. It was Holy because in the words she spoke to me,
words about trusting Him with her life and worshipping Him and seeing the miraculous works that He is doing in people all around,
He was there.

When she told me how she had been craving cabbage rolls and someone called her up, out of the blue and said there were cabbage rolls coming, I saw Jesus in action. She was animated and excited and we experienced that moment in time


When she told me how people had gathered around her on different occasions and prayed that God would heal her and how she sits on her couch some days and does nothing but sit and wait and listen and that’s all,
God was there. His spirit was among us, the two of us and then the three of us as we sat at the table.

It was a Holy time in a Holy place and if I lived down the road and around the bend and next to that river, I can tell you I would be there today.
I want to be there for her and yet


I want to be there for me. I’m just selfish enough that in the midst of the uncertainty of her future, I want the presence that is so all powerful in her, to flow out over me. I want her to bear witness to the faithfulness of God almighty because it gives me life. It gives me hope.

Once we have experienced beauty that can come only from God Himself, nothing, no nothing else, is ever the same
The beauty of the presence of God is irreplaceable and of great value.

She, this friend of mine, is doing all the right things. She is eating and sleeping and drinking and listening to doctors and her faith is unwavering.
There is calm in that house. There is peace that passes understanding. With my own ears I heard them say that they are not searching for answers and frantically looking for something that will cure her. They are taking one steady step at a time and are doing what they need to do, one day before the other.  In the midst of those steps, they are trusting and leaning, heavy,  on God, to show them what and when.  Perfect Love casts out fear and they know that God loves them perfectly.  They are in His hands and in those hands they rest safely, faithfully.

Walk across the threshold and you will know that God is alive and active.

My friend Sharon, has faith greater than any mustard seed and I am waiting and watching and expecting God to do what only He can do.
He is the giver of life.

She believes it, that’s for sure.

I believe it!

We believe it together.


Hi and Happy Spring!  It’s here in all of it’s Hope Full glory and not a moment too soon.
I know I know, It’s going to snow again but it’s okay because the 20th of March has come and gone and it is officially Spring. Really! The sun is shining today and that’s one more thing to be thankful for.

It’s been a looooong time since we last met here on Nano’s aprons and that’s a bit of a story.  Not for now though.

Life with me and mine has been busy, as I am sure it has been for you too.  My way of showing support has been to help with general nutrition.  We all know that in order to be all that we Can be, we need hearty and healthy meals.  My young ones have cottoned to the idea of Dinner in a Bowl, one pot dinners and they are quite fond of soups and stews. Once the chopping and cooking is complete and all there is to show for my efforts is a few containers, it’s encouraging and reassuring to hear my favourite

“Mom this is delicious”.  I love that phrase and it keeps pulling me back, to the kitchen and my soup pot.

So, today I did another sausage soup and I think it must be one of the best, ever.  It will be going North and South and even though it won’t be eaten around my own table,  I like knowing that they are eating something delicious.

If you click on this link ↓you will find it.

Sausage soup with a slightly Indian twist

Thankful Times Two

It’s here again and came fast

It’s been 360 days since we last celebrated, well, sort of celebrated
Last year it was on the 11th, the second Sunday of October as always and I remember it vividly and will remember 2015 and its Thanksgiving Day
that is the day Nano went to Heaven.

I don’t think I told you about the mistake I made on that emotion soaked day and how awful it could have ended. Where was my head and how could I have done such a thing?
God, mercifully showed me
that He is so good and cares about my heart.

I didn’t mean to do such a dumb, ridiculous thing and since that day,
it was the end and the beginning all wrapped up together,
it makes me weak to remember.
distressing and I have had to, on
bow low and say
Dear God
you are good and have saved me from regret and instead have given me one. more. reason, to thank you.

It went like this.

I had taken myself to the hospice where Nano was, reclining and declining and had been, for five beautiful, sun filled, autumn days.  I had sat close for a few hours each day and it
was joyful, heartbreaking, sweet.
Thanksgiving Day
a young nurse told us Nano was different that day.
was getting closer.   I sat and she slept and loved ones came and sat and left and came back again.
Well, I’ve told you how Nano liked nice neat hair and did not hesitate to express her displeasure when the hair of a loved one was looking unruly, unkempt.
She was beyond such comments as I sat next to her that day but I was nearing the shetland pony, pekingese puppy, stage. You know the one.
You’ve seen ribbons or clips securing forelocks and bangs, so the creatures can see. That was my state
and I made the critical decision to do something about it.

At 2:00 PM that afternoon I drove myself 15 minutes to the closest hair salon, where earlier that day I had made an appointment and
I left my dying mother’s bedside to take care of aesthetics.
I sat there, in the chair and the nice young man asked how my day was going.
I told him my mother was going to die that day and can’t remember much of his response except that he snipped a bit faster and spoke a little less and my heart was overflowing with fear, regret, anxiety and even,
Prayer was on my lips  as I raced south and came close to skidding off the road.    I turned onto the looooooong driveway to the hospice and asked, begged even, that He
would forgive my prideful and self absorbed soul and allow me to speak to my mama one more time. I asked Him to show mercy where it wasn’t deserved,
yet again
and get me there in time to hold her warm hand and get a glimpse of her eyes
before he took her
I had been with her for almost a month and had watched life leave her. Just days before, we had chatted about
about things that mattered to us then.   We had smiled and she had eaten a few bites and grimaced with pain and smiled and eaten a few more bites and I had taken her for some pushes in the wheelchair and we had breathed in deep of the fresh Alberta air.
To be near for so many days and decide to leave in the last moments, was more than I could bear, although the decision had been my own to make.
Running and crying and hoping and praying and looking past the dear ones standing close, I saw her eyes and she saw mine and I sat down and held her hand and prayed and thanked
He who is the giver and taker of life.
His blessing to me that day was to give my mother enough strength to stay alive until I could get to her bedside.
Before she closed her eyes for the last time she saw my eyes and my nicely trimmed bangs and I am pretty sure it made her happy.
There was peace and there was warmth and
she left us quietly and sweetly on that
Thanksgiving Day.

Thank you Jesus for letting me hold her hand until she exhaled for the last time.

She isn’t missing us today. She is home.
I assure you that we miss her and there will never again be a Thanksgiving Day that comes and goes without us stopping to remember,
a bossy, opinionated, determined, capable, hard working, irritatingly right, kind, generous,

Loving mother

There is a time to Live and there is a time to Die and even though we die, we will live
if we know Jesus who is the author and the finisher of our Faith.   He is the resurrection and the Life. (John 11:25)

I went for a walk a bit ago and the sun was shining and the leaves are turning and the air is fresh.   I talked to God as I did. He and I have had some chats these past weeks about the sweet gift of life He has given me.   We have chatted about the memories that have been very vivid this month, of Nano and her last days.  We have chatted about the look of my life here.  We have chatted about some of the work He has for me to do.   It’s good that He is patient and it’s good that He doesn’t count how often He forgives and encourages
He lets good and bad touch our hearts and through all of it, His plan is that we will glorify Him. It isn’t selfish of Him like some people say.   It’s so good for us to praise Him.   Good for us.  It gives purpose to our beating hearts.   Purpose with eternal value.  Oh, there are lots of opportunities to praise Him.  We can praise Him by doing what He asks us to do.  It’s called, obedience.  It’s called, watching and listening and then, doing.

Thanksgiving Day is still Three away. This year it is on the 9th. The 11th is two days further away and I think from now on I will celebrate Thankfulness
twice in October.

It is good to give thanks to the Lord, to sing praises to your name, O Most High
Psalm 92:1

An Autumn Snack



So I decided to create a snack. No refined sugar. No flour. No baking. Lots of good healthy ingredients. It seems that I am often hungry mid morning and need something with substance to give me a boost. I also want it to taste good and if it has a bit of chocolate, well, even better.
I made this recipe once and then I made it again. Once they had disappeared for the second time, I got busy making them a third time so I could document, write down the method and take a few pictures. I measured carefully and put each item on my nice big wooden cutting board. The plan was to have a board full of piles so you could see exactly what the ingredients looked like. I made the piles and then commenced to process them.
I realized I had not taken any pictures before chopping. That’s me! Getting way ahead of myself and veering from the plan. I was left with a crumby, empty, chopping board, but I’m sharing the photo with you anyway.  (See title image)

My husband has been heard at times to say (in jest of course) that one or another of his loved ones is a bit of a Nut Bar. Well, The newest creation from My kitchen is named in honour of the Nut bars scattered around the country who enjoy a snack every now and then.

Nut Bars

Do you have a food processor yet?
Kitchenaid is the brand you want.
They are often on sale at the Bay. Take a break from Starbucks for a month! Make your tea and coffee at home and you will soon have enough money to buy yourself a beautiful food processor. If you don’t like cooking, I suspect it is because

A) You are using dull knives (again, take a hiatus from Starbucks and look into CUTCO. They are my fave)
B) Your cutting boards are too small
C) You are chopping by hand, things that could be chopped, diced or grated in a food processor in a fraction of the time.
D) All of the above

I know I know
Kitchen gadgets are a luxury but really, some of them are a necessary luxury!

Check out the recipe for Pam’s Nut Bars

Three New Recipes

Hey, Friends!

Today was “Nanorelish” making day

IMG_8481Well,  I actually started yesterday because that’s how you do it.   It’s kind of a, two half- days event.  I finished  up today and I’m looking at it, sitting over there on the counter. Seventeen jars.   There will be some hard work and patience involved but I know you will be successful.

While I was documenting, I worked on a couple of other recipes that have been very popular with my friends and family.

A few months ago I needed a nice little cookie to take to a funeral I was helping provide food for.   I looked up a few lemon cookie recipes and did not really like them so I tweaked a couple and came up with
Lemon shortbread sandwich morsels.

Lemon Shortbread Sandwich morsels

Lemon Shortbread Sandwich morsels

They pretty much melt in your mouth and the nice thing is that you can make the dough and slice and bake as you need them.  The dough will keep for a week for sure, in the fridge.  Or, you can bake them and freeze for when you want them.  Or, you can just bake and eat them.   You choose.

The third new recipe I have added to the blog is Avocado and Mango salsa.


I have actually tucked it into accompaniments and sauces because I just wasn’t sure where to put it.  You should really try it.  The work load is light and the taste is delicious.  You will whip this up in a few short minutes.  The hardest part will be to find avocados that are just right.  I usually try to think ahead and buy my avocados three or four days before I need them, but you might happen upon some that are just right for the day you are making your salsa.

I hope you enjoy these recipes and remember

The key to cooking is 

Take your time
Enjoy the adventure .
I often say, try  once and if you don’t like what you have produced, adjust the recipe next time, to be what you want it to be.  ♥

Take a Seat! Let’s talk about Faithful!

There was this farewell.
Nine months ago we had one for our own mother and this one was for my sister’s mother in law.

Baba went to Heaven last week and yesterday there was a big
“deal” a “do”
in her honour. It was a send off and people came from far and wide. There was talking and praying and quite a lot of singing. Well, some would call it singing and many would call it
praising. God! Praising God. Worshiping!

Light of the World you stepped down into darkness opened my eyes let me see
Beauty that made this heart adore you
Hope of a life spent with you.

There was also a lot of smiling and hugging and

Moments. You know, Special ones!

My sister asked if I would please take some pictures during the service and afterwards. How’s that for pressure? I sat by myself, close to the front on the aisle and had my phone/camera at the ready. There were quite a number of older folks there and my phone cover is
bright pink. Never one to be terribly self conscious, I just minded my own business and attempted to be discreet. I got a few good ones and hardly needed to use the kleenex in my other hand at all.

These five! Family
These five! Family
Baba's very precious ones
Baba’s very precious ones


could two siblings look more alike I wonder?
could two siblings look more alike I wonder?  A beautiful tribute to their mother.
For the love of puzzles
For the love of puzzles

This is amazing grace this is unfailing love
That you would take my place that you would bear my cross
You laid down your life that I would be set free
Oh Jesus I sing for all that you’ve done for me
Worthy is the Lamb who was slain
Worthy is the King who conquered the grave
Worthy is the Lamb who was slain
Worthy Worthy Worthy

I used to cry a lot

There were two times I vividly remember when people shared profound notions with me
“You don’t HAVE to cry, you know”
“sometimes I sort of feel like crying, but it just takes so much effort. I can’t be bothered”

Say what?
I’m a House and we cry. Way back, we’ve been a family of cryers.

and those tips were sort of life altering for me. Oh I still cry more than some but not quite so often.

The sun was beating down and the sky was blue and there we were in the cool church out in the country
praising God and saying a final farewell, to Baba. As it turns out, she was quite a character and even from the platform there were stories of time spent with her and how,
laughing was the theme of most gatherings when she was present.
Quite a legacy, that.

Her son and daughter gave tributes and talked about her last days. I could nod my head when they told how she continually praised Jesus in those last times.
I had the privilege of sitting next to her just before the end and every touch of my hand to hers, each kiss to her brow and sip of water to her lips brought whispers of
“Praise Jesus”
“Thank you Jesus”.

Baba hadn’t always praised Jesus. I told you a bit about that in Lives knit together. Praising didn’t begin until she was a mother and a grandmother and she sure made up for lost time. It’s never too late. Until the final breath. Then it’s too late.

When darkness seems to hide His face I rest on His unchanging grace
In every high and stormy gale my anchor holds within the veil
Christ alone Cornerstone, weak made strong in the Saviour’s Love
Through the storm He is Lord, lord of all.

Just at the end, before we went to eat triangle sandwiches, pickles, squares,  to drink punch and talk about Baba and how we all loved her,  Just before we took ourselves back to the real World to live our lives

Great is thy Faithfulness O God my Father
There is no shadow of turning with Thee
Thou changest not Thy compassions they fail not
As Thou hast been Thou forever wilt be.
Great is Thy faithfulness, great is Thy faithfulness
Morning by morning new mercies I see
All I have needed Thy hand hath provided
Great is Thy faithfulness
Lord unto me
Summer and winter and springtime and harvest
Sun moon and stars in their courses above
join with all nature in manifold witness
To Thy great faithfulness Mercy and love
Pardon for sin and a peace that endureth
Thy own dear presence to cheer and to guide
Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow
Blessings all mine with ten thousand beside

just disregard what I said before, earlier, about managing my crying issues. God’s Faithfulness? Now That is something so moving, so amazing, even the most stalwart non cryers, weep openly. Sing it and weep. Think about it and weep. Tears of joy and thankfulness.

Before Baba went to Heaven, she and her little ones were chatting about the end and she had very clear ideas about what the celebration should look like.
She said
“wouldn’t it be wonderful if someone would come to know Jesus at my funeral?”
Yes Baba, yes it would. The family stopped just shy of an alter call at the service and it was clear
that Baba was gone from here and had been welcomed into her new and forever home, by Jesus himself.

I am well aware of God’s faithfulness. Even during the sad and bad and hard and horrible He’s been awfully good and I know it. So while we sang

Great is Thy faithfulness
Morning by Morning new mercies i see
All I have needed Thy hand hath provided
Great is Thy faithfulness
Lord unto me

I was not even thinking about Baba. I was thinking about Him. Baba had hoped that someone might realize for the first time, that God is faithful and Jesus loves, all.
Maybe someone did, realize that.
I don’t know.
Here’s what I do know.
For me and I wouldn’t be surprised at all to hear, for my fellow celebrants
there was a whole lot of praising going on.
Praising Jesus for
well just praising Him because
because He
Praising Jesus because of what He’s done, for me.

Baba is gone and her dear ones are missing her already. They would not for one minute wish her back. Her life was full and rich and their lives were richer because of her. She is gone from here but they and I will see her again. We’ll see her when we go to see Jesus.

There’s going to be more of these, farewells.  I hope they are all as full of praise and celebration as this one was.

God is good and He is faithful and we can either believe it or not believe it.  There’s a choice to be had.

Believe it!