Once For All

Just a few more hours. Celebration Day. Resurrection Sunday.
Up From The Grave He Arose, with a Mighty Triumph O’er His Foes.
We celebrate it now.

Seems fitting that
new life,
the warmth of the sun
the birth of my new year

should all come at the time when we celebrate the greatest gift of all.
Not bunnies and chocolates and baskets and eggs.
Not even ham and scalloped potatoes although I do love these two.
The greatest gift is Mercy, forgiveness, grace, life.
These are ours because we are His.
He bought us, paid with His life. It was given on a wooden cross. Our freedom from bondage to sin comes because of the blood poured out on that cross. His blood for our lives. Every sin, then, now and in the future, nailed to that cross. Once. For. All.

There is not a time in my memory when any of this was a revelation. It was so much a part of life from conception to this day, that I have known forever, my need of a savior. My preacher father was always clear when delivering the message of Jesus’ Sacrifice.

We knelt beside that little bed, just the two of us. I had decided this was the night. I didn’t want to wait another day.
He prayed first and then it was my turn to tell God that I knew, what He had done. I invited Him to change my life from the inside out. I admitted that although I had lived for only 6 years, I was a sinner needing what only He could offer.
I was small but I understood.
He died and rose again, for me.
I had much to learn. Still do.
Believing is the first step.
From there it’s about following. That’s where my struggle lies.
Believing without following doesn’t get us very far along the road of living it out.
Following is, the truth of believing, in action.

Truth does not need validating by “I believe”. Jesus came to die so that I could live and it has nothing to do with whether or not I believe.
He did it, because He loves me. My belief or unbelief does not, cannot change the truth.
God is so much bigger than human thought.
We do however, get to decide if we will believe the truth.

If we don’t, choose to believe, we lose. Everything.

…knowing that you were ransomed from the futile ways inherited from your forefathers, not with perishable things such as silver or gold, but with the precious blood of Christ, like that of a lamb without blemish or spot. 1 Peter 1:18,19

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