Let’s talk tomatoes

All canned tomatoes are not created equal.
I decided to open three different brands so you could get an idea of what this is about.

plain diced tomatoes are very juicy.
plain diced tomatoes are very juicy.
italian diced have a bit more pure and not just juice
italian diced have a bit more puree and not just juice
These organic tomatoes consist of pieces and a thick pure. This is the one I use in meat recipes
These organic tomatoes consist of pieces and a thick puree. This is the one I use in meat recipes


These tomatoes are all very good and great from a health point. But the thicker the puree the better for using in sauces.
Michael Smith (Chef at home) does a great talk about the value of canned tomatoes over fresh tomatoes. It is excellent and I recommend it


Now that I have these cans of tomatoes opened, I think I will make some tomato soup and of course what is tomato soup without a grilled cheese sandwich

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