Jumping in Just a little Deeper

You are Invited

Yes!  I’m at it again!  There’s a lot going on in my world and most of it


I keep jumping in

further and deeper.

Not sure why God wired me this way.  It must be about the gifting.

We all are.


It seems this topic has been coming up recently, in conversation.

I was at another one of those events the other day.  The ones where I get dressed up and try to look my best.  There’s nothing especially special about the people I was with, but until recently it made me nervous to think about spending an evening with them.  I’m not talking about 4 or 6 or even 14, sitting around my table.  This group tops out around 500, in their finest.  Fancy!!

Participating in conversation with this crowd requires a certain amount, no, a great deal of


What is that saying?  Something about being careful not to open your mouth and so to put to rest any question as to your foolishness.

In this particular crowd I have been known to show a certain amount of timidity.  Yes I am serious, but those days are pretty much over now.  As a dear friend has been heard to say, sharing a philosophy I attempt to emulate

“People don’t scare me”.  I’m trying to think that way!

So there we were on Friday evening, hobnobbing with those who would be considered by many, to be somebodies.  Of course, we all know,

the many I speak of are not nearly as important as the


who makes all ultimate decisions and is the creator of everything there is.

So, once again and as seems to be uppermost in so many minds since the question keeps being asked of


“So Pam, what are you doing with yourself these days?”

I don’t know why exactly,

but the question sort of causes a catch in my heart.

That’s when I jump. These days I actually Leap, into answering the question.

I will not fear but will speak the truth.

I Samuel 12:24   Says

Only fear the LORD and serve him faithfully with all your heart. For consider what great things he has done for you.” 

Oh How I love this verse!  How could I possibly choose A (singular) life verse?

Every time I turn around, there’s another one.  Put there, for me.  A promise.  A reminder.  A guide.

“I do a fair bit of helping and serving and I love to use my spiritual gift of hospitality.”  

That’s when I find myself looking into the face of confusion, hesitation, consideration.

“I don’t know what you mean” was one of the responses on Friday evening.

So what else could I do but explain?

Not sure she got it, even after I shared some of the things I am involved in, but that’s alright.

On Saturday evening, same people, different event, the question was asked once again and I explained

again.  This one, understood and I even went a bit further to tell her about this

blog and

the APRON MARKET.  Now that, I tell you, took some courage.  She liked the idea and said she needs a new apron.  Unfortunately the room was so noisy that our conversation was not in depth and ended before it was actually finished.  Maybe I can explain more


But now I’m getting to what I want to say to you.

It’s kind of about hospitality and aprons and scones and sharing.

Some of my favourite things.

Today is the launch of APRON CUTIES

I’m pretty excited and looking forward to sharing them with you.  Fun and Pretty.  Both are things I like a lot.

You are invited to 


If you are interested in viewing the newest collection of aprons

If you like to munch on scones

If you enjoy visiting over china cups and saucers full of tea or coffee

you are welcome to attend an apron viewing party

Saturday, May 2nd

10:30 A.M. to 2:00 P.M.

RSVP by Sunday April 26th to 



Hope to see you then and in the mean time, do some looking into what your God given gifts and talents are.  Once you recognize your gift your world will become a whole lot more exciting and fulfilling.

See you soon

Your Friend, Pam

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