It’s Monday and The Learning curve is on the rise

Hey Friends!

I’m sitting at Second Cup because I made the trek to the Apple store to see if the nice people in blue shirts could help with my technical issues.  They could and did.  Except for the one little wrinkle of sideways pictures.

I cannot figure it out and am pretty much fit to be tied.  There have been so many requests for the Mac and Cheese from Superbowl, that I am posting anyway.  Yes, I know the photo of my newest fave pasta is actually posted sideways.  Please turn your head on it’s side and view it that way and I will continue to work on a resolution.

It’s the best Mac & Cheese I have ever made and perhaps ever eaten.  Feel free to let me know what you think.

It’s under PASTA RECIPES and I’m excited for you to try it.

Honestly, these past two years of blogging have been the most intellectually challenging since I attempted grade 10 math.  I have been determined and your encouragement has kept me in the blogging game.

Thanks and happy cooking.  Coming up next

Butter Tarts


5 thoughts on “It’s Monday and The Learning curve is on the rise

  1. Pam, I am always ‘refreshed’ after I read your Blogs:) I am not one that does a lot of pasta..and wonderful what type of ‘pasta’ that is, in your “Mac & Cheese” recipe?
    Blessing to you as God’s presence just ‘shines’ through you, even over the computer 🙂

  2. I was hoping you would post this recipe, Pam. I am making it for my lunch group next Wednesday and there is no need to report back. It will be a real hit! ?

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