My Story


Hi and welcome to Nano’s Aprons. My name is Pam and Entertaining and sharing life with family and Friends has been a sweet aroma for me since elementary school. On a number of occasions I would go to the local candy store with the few cents I could scrounge up. My intent was to find a treat to share with my parents and siblings. Most often I chose small milk chocolate morsels called “icy cups” which were sold in brightly coloured foil cups. I would bring those chocolates home and store them safely in my bedroom until dinner rolled around. Then, at just the right moment I announced that there would be an extra special treat at the end of the meal. I excused myself from the table to retrieve the chocolates from my room and bring them to the table. Of course my family would respond with oohs and aahs and exclamations about how wonderful I was. It was a small gift lovingly given. Affirmation was poured out! Encouragement! Gestures of generosity were rewarded. Sharing and showing hospitality became a definition of pleasure for me. To share with others is fun and rewarding.
I am an ordinary city girl who likes people. When a simple gesture brings a smile to a friend or loved one I can’t help but smile myself, from the depths of my soul.

I have developed a few recipes over the years and you might like to try some of them. From time to time I put words together into humble yet perhaps meaningful stories. You might smile as you read and you might have reason to stop and ponder some of the ideas you see here on Nano’s Aprons.

11 thoughts on “My Story

  1. Pam, as I have found a new sister in Christ through knowing your sister, Jan (who is also a wonderful sister in Christ) I have found myself just basking in your eloquent ways of ‘giving to others’ God has placed such a gift in your heart , from Him, to hit the ‘heart strings’ of woman from all walks of life. I think often that you need a column in the city you live in your local news paper. Your writing abilities from the heart is need for many to hear? Pray about it, think about because this ‘Sister in Christ’ has just enjoyed meeting you all the way from your ‘huge heart to that wonderful smile’ “” Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow”””

  2. Hi Pam, What a delight! Thank you for sharing your God-given talents and abilities with us in this ‘your blog’! So often I have enjoyed pictures and comments about your visits with your precious mom on Facebook but this medium is brilliant! I have always been aware of your wonderfully warm smile and sense of fun but was totally unaware of your gifts of hospitality, writing and cooking! Wow, what a legacy you are leaving your children, Bravo! May God continue to Bless you and make you a Blessing to all those of us who have been fortunate enough to call you friend. Hugs and friendship, Marilyn Q.

  3. Congratulations on the launch of this exciting blog!
    I can’t count how many times I’ve been with you when one after another grateful recipient of your lovely hospitality and lovingly made (and delicious) food has asked you for recipes, or ‘how do you do it?’.
    Once again, you are sharing your gifts!
    And Nano’s too 🙂

  4. What a treasure I’ve just stumbled upon! I will wait until my house is quiet and tidy; tea is in hand and will then enjoy getting to know you better through your stories and ideas. A kindred spirit for sure! Happy Blogging…

  5. What a brilliant idea Pam! You are full of suggestions to inspire the rest of us to try to make your amazing recipes! So thrilled to see you venture into this territory!

  6. Congratulations, Pam!
    Another ‘Blog’ to add to my reading list to enjoy with my morning coffee, (or late at night when I cannot sleep)!
    An exciting and godly lifestyle, will make for an interesting and insightful Blog!!

  7. You are a city girl, but you are also a country girl! That is the uniqueness you bring to your gift of hospitality. You are comfortable in both worlds and know how to bring a flair from each to the other!

  8. I’m so excited about this blog and already I’m being reminded of special moments in our little ‘family of origin’. And just like that our Family Tree sprouts another famous person!

  9. This is wonderful. Using the gifts that God has given you is so very important. Obviously you have the gift of hospitality. I only recently really embraced that gift myself. Making people feel special is such a wonderful gift. Keep blogging my friend.

  10. Looking forward to hearing about (and tasting) some of these delicious recipes. I will willingly become a guinea pig for any culinary ‘experiments’ you may pursue.

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