Dinner in 40 minutes

Last night I found myself in a bit of a tangle.

I spent the day out and about, visiting mostly, which is one of my very favorite activities.
A friend I haven’t seen often in recent years but we go back, a long way. It was good to catch up.
Lunch with two more. One I interact with regularly for which I am thankful. The other I see less frequently, but when I do we pick up where we left off. Easy! Friendly! Fellowship!
All three of these are sisters. Not blood of course. I have only one of those who I don’t get to see very often.
These are sisters because we are all part of God’s family. We have each decided, at some point in our lives, to commit our way unto Him. We realized a long time ago that we are most certainly sinners needing a savior. Thankfully we (and everyone He created) have a savior.
Phew! Sinners saved by His amazing Grace.
These others are people that God has seen fit to place, in His time, in my life.
God is my Refuge and my Strength
God is the cornerstone of all that I am

But graciously, He decided I would just do better if I had people to interact with. He in His great, Creator Wisdom, looked at me and thought I needed some extra exhorting. He knew I would live the abundant life more beautifully if I had friends to encourage me. Yep, I am a needy soul.

Friends are good. Sometimes they stretch me. My patience, my faithfulness, my joy and even my peace.
Friends require effort.
Friends are a blessing.

So, I was doing what I do and found myself rushing around at the last minute.
I get to do what I do because my husband does what he does. We are both living the life God is allowing us to live.
Part of my life is caring for him, this husband God made for me.
I try to keep his laundry clean (although at this time I have laundry machine issues)
I attempt to get a meal on the table for when he walks in the door, when we aren’t heading out somewhere to let someone else cook us a meal.

Last night I looked at the clock and had 30 minutes between when I walked in the door and when he was scheduled to arrive home.
Thankfully I had a few things in the fridge.
I pulled them out and thought about what I was going to do with them, while I was doing it.
That seems to be the way I fly. Literally one minute at a time.

I had some chicken tenders I had picked up two days ago. I usually don’t buy them because they are expensive, but when I see them on sale I jump on them. Tasty!

I took these fixuns and went to work.
Now, I was pretty much at the 30 minute mark when I had a dingle on my hand held and the message read,
“running late, leaving in 5”.
Oh THANK GOODNESS. I had an extra 15 minutes.
Well I think it all turned out quite well.
Chicken tenders, salad with fruit and nuts, whole wheat fettuccine
finished off with a two day old piece of chocolate cake which was by the way, delicious.
I was so excited when I walked in the door and realized I still had some of that cake left.

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