12 oz. raw navy beans
8 strips of lean bacon cut into 1 inch strips
2 medium onions diced

mix together
1 798 ml can diced tomatoes (Italian brand)
2 TBLSP. dijon mustard
1/3 cup maple syrup (alternatively you may use 1/2 cup dark brown sugar)
1 tsp. salt
course pepper
1/4 cup good balsamic vinegar
1/2 water

1 large sweet potato diced into 1/2″ pieces
1 large carrot diced into 1/2″ pieces


The day before you want to make your stew put beans into a bowl and cover with water. The beans need to be immersed in the water so make sure you have enough. If you notice that they are not immersed add more water. Better too much than not enough.
They should soak for at least 12 hours and 18 would be fine.

After the beans have soaked and are getting soft (I actually bit into one to be sure I could chew it, even though they were not yet cooked) drain and rinse.
Put the beans into either
your crock pot
a baking dish that can be heated on the stove and then into the oven
a pot in which you will bring your final mixture to a boil and then put it into a casserole dish.

put the beans into your dish
add bacon cut into small slices
and onions
add sauce which has been stirred together in a separate bowl.
to the above mixture, add 1 1/2 cups water
bring to a boil without a lid
add the lid
put dish in the oven
bake at 250 for 4 hours
add vegetables and stir
bake another 3 hours
stir every hour if you are doing the oven method. when you stir, if it looks to be getting dry, add more water, by 1/2 cup amounts.
if you are leaving them in the crock pot they will be okay without stirring but if you are around later in the cooking time, stir when you are able to.

serve with fresh bread or rolls and a salad if you like.

serves six