Tag Archives: scones

Auntie Beulah’s Tea Biscuits

Tea biscuits with a drizzle of honey

When I was wee, biscuits were a staple on the table at the parsonage. Sunday lunch consisted of “a roast of beef” as Nano referred to the piece of inside round that went to the oven just before she and Papa took us to church. It was either that or chicken, whole and roasted until golden, that we ate around the dining room table almost every Sunday. We didn’t often welcome guests at “dinner” on Sundays and that was because the week before and the morning of, took most of the umph out of Papa and he needed the in between hours, before returning to church for the evening service, to rest. Fair enough! Preachering is hard stuff and we witnessed the affect, okay, the toll, full time service to bringing teaching and encouragement to a community, had on our dear Father. In an earlier post I told you about our Sunday Night Traditions.

After rest time, oh Sunday afternoons could be looooong, we had “tea” and then headed off down the road, to church again.
It was at tea time, when we often had biscuits. Now, for you Brits, let me explain. I am not speaking of cookies. It’s biscuits, a sort of type of scone, that I’m talking about here.
Biscuits and Nano’s canned peaches, or canned cherries, or canned pears. Biscuits were always served with jam and cheese. Good, sharp, cheddar. None of that marble nonsense pretending to be something it isn’t.
And tea of course. Boiled kettle, pot hotted, tea bag first and water last.
Biscuits came out of the oven After we were called to the table. There’s no point eating biscuits that have cooled to room temperature.
Now, Nano’s biscuits were good. No doubt. We devoured them and enjoyed every bite.
However, it wasn’t until I was twenty three and had been married for one whole month, that I tasted a different kind of biscuit.
Nano was a bit disconcerted when, visiting me in Toronto early on, I told her we would be using Auntie Beulah’s recipe. It wasn’t often that I exchanged one of Nano’s recipes for someone else’s. Nevertheless, once I had experienced Auntie Beulah’s biscuits, there was no going back. I think this may be about the time that I began my love affair with all things tea biscuit/scone. In those early years, if you ever came to my house for tea, chances are, you were served Auntie Beulah’s Tea Biscuits. They were and are delicious. I have messed with them, adjusted them, added to them and changed them. Just a couple of days ago, I took the old recipe out of my box and decided to follow the instructions, exactly. I’m not sure I’ve ever done that.
Well, believe it or not, Auntie Beulah knew what she was about when she wrote that recipe for me all those (36) years ago.
“Bless her” Nano would say. “Remember when…?” Nano would say. Sometimes I did and sometimes I didn’t
remember, but when my mama got to remembering the early years, it was a great time.
I told you once, that Nano and Papa had met the first time, in the home of “Old Mr. Northcott”. Mr. N had a gaggle of girls and a couple of boys and welcomed one and all into his home. He was a fellow Newfoundlander and so, C.D. House (my father)found himself a guest at the Northcott home on more than one occasion. It was there that he met his future wife and knew she would be, the first time he laid eyes on her.

This particular post is not about That.

Later, much later, when I was all grown up, I was introduced to some of the stories, by my Auntie Beulah and Auntie Marj. They followed in their daddies footsteps and welcomed me, along with my new, whipper snapper of an up and coming lawyer, into their home. You see, the two sisters lived in a house along with the husband of Auntie Beulah. Auntie Marg had no real husband. Oh she was married. Had been and still was. Her husband had not been who he said he was and it didn’t take long, after the vows were promised, that he showed his true colours. He left her high and dry, but not to be undone and miserable, she made a life for herself. It was her house that was a respite, an embrace, a home away, when I was fresh into marriage. It was there, on Palomino Crescent, where I drank tea, ate Tea biscuits, laughed and cried and heard so many stories of times past. God was good to plunk me down close to these dear ones who have long since gone to sing and dance around the throne.
But I have memories and recipes and I’m thankful for old aunties and a wealth of wonder.

Auntie Beulah’s Tea Biscuits can be found under the heading Tea Time.


Kindred spirits in unexpected places

I am sitting in a lovely cafe.

 It’s in the lobby of the Omni Hotel in Nashville Tennessee.    

A week ago right this minute I had no idea I would be here in Honky Tonk town a week later.   God has decided I should live a life full of all kinds of surprises.  Some of them not so welcome and others are beyond my joyful expectations.  I know He holds my life in His hands and as I have told you before, I realize it’s best to let Him do His thing.  Even if I don’t right away recognize the good in it.

Back to the story!  

My relatively new friend and kindred spirit is the woman God hand picked before time began, to give birth to and be the nurturing mother of my son’s soon to be wife..  God is like that.  He not only answers prayers as He sees fit and holds people’s lives in His hands.  He spreads the blessing around.  I received a message from this newish friend as I drove East to meet my littlest one.  “So here’s a random question.  how’d you like an adventure?”  Well she had my attention right there seeing as how I usually  like an adventure.  “want to go to Nashville with me next week?”    The short of it is that she has a conference and decided I might be an eligible Travel Buddy.  I put in a request to my husband and before you could sing  

Blame it all on my roots I showed up in boots And ruined your black tie affair

I had a booking on American Airlines.

 It’s been an action packed fun filled adventuresome five days.  

The first night we wandered one of the Must See streets which is just around the corner.   I had no idea what a Honky tonk was before my visit to this cowboy town.  Now I do!  Not sure it has made my life a whole lot more meaningful but it’s one more thing to add to a growing number of facts in my brain.  

Now, one of the reasons my almost inlaw and I are kindred is that we see much of life through the same lens.  A bit naive, a lot conservative with a smattering of mercy thrown in.  There are certain places we just don’t frequent.  Ever.  If you visit Nashville and take a walk along Broadway you will find the street lined with such places as those.  

We did enjoy some of the music coming through the open doorways.  Even poked our heads inside from time to time.  The view was similar in each.  Dark!  A long Bar along one side!  A raised platform at the front filled with mostly men, in boots, jeans and their hands full of guitars.  Not our scene for sure.  Nevertheless, we were open to the possibility of perhaps finding one establishment where we could maybe step INSIDE the door and sing along.  At one,  my TB was heard to say “nope, this is not our kind of bar”.    Ah yes, the laughs were plenty.  We did find a place where the song being sung was one we both new and we ventured inside, ice cream in one hand, camera in the other.  We stood no more than 5 feet inside along the wall and listened and sang and laughed and ate ice cream.  Thinking I should put a dollar or two in the jar at the edge of the platform, I approached the bar.  Yes I did.  I leaned over and the nice young man leaned in to hear my order.  “I don’t want anything to drink”.  I said.  “Ok, but could I at least get you a glass of water”?  He replied.  “Nope”, I said.  “I just want money”.  He looked at me for a minute and then saw the 20 I was holding, nodded.  I put my few bills in the jar, we sang another song and left, laughing.  Laughter is a good medicine, I have been told.  

Yesterday my TB was in meetings in the morning and I ventured down the street and around the corner.   There were no country musicians playing locally and we had been to the grand ole’ opry the night before, so off I went to get tickets to the symphony. 

A beautiful surprise awaited!  We all know that different experiences bring pleasure to individuals of all kinds.  

One of this preacher’s daughters very favorites (Yes I do have a few) is…  

A delicious home made creation fresh from the oven, enjoyed in a beautiful garden.  

IMG_20140528_110205 IMG_20140529_093355Add a fountain of some sort and I have no trouble envisioning what Heaven might be like.  The concerns of life fall away and I find praise falling from my lips.  

Thank you Lord for this little glimpse at your kindness.  Life is not easy.  There is trouble all around.  Sadness, pain, fear, frustration, sickness and yes, even death.  Yet here, right now, in this place, I am resting in you.  I do trust you.  I do know you are the cornerstone of everything.  I do know that you are the beginning and the end.  You are great and greatly to be praised.  You do not owe me anything. Sometimes life isn’t what I want.   I am not entitled to the gifts that leave your hand and touch my heart.  Yet you allow me to know blessing.  Sometimes it is huge.  Miraculous.  Not to be mistaken.  Other times it is a sweet gentle soft whisper that only I can see.  Today is that day and I praise you from a full heart.

That was yesterday’s prayer as I found myself in a small courtyard outside the beautiful Schermerhorn in downtown Nashville Tennessee.  I had happened upon the cafe on the edge of that beautiful building and I opened the door to the wafting smell of baking…something.  As it turns out the something was blueberry scones.  Handmade from scratch and I knew I was about to meet yet another kindred spirit.  It took just a minute to get a glimpse of this woman.  Her name is Meg and she was my friend immediately.  I think I realized it for sure when I asked “what is your soup today?” and she answered with a smile, “I haven’t decided yet.  I need to see what I have back there”.  Yep!  I smiled.  She makes skirts out of vintage fabric.  We chatted and I took my scone and latte to a bench in the courtyard.  It was one delicious offering I tell you.

IMG_20140529_101135 I didn’t know Meg and yet she shared hospitality with me yesterday morning.  I went back and thanked her and gave her a card with the name of this blog on it.  I invited her to read it and asked if I could take her picture.  She said yes and smiled.




 I am sorry it is a bit blurry but you get the idea.  She was kind and gifted in hospitality.  She maybe doesn’t know it.  Perhaps it is just something she does because she enjoys it.  Quite possibly she bakes fresh scones and cookies and makes delicious lattes because it is a job and she needs the money.  It could be that she is an entrepreneur and some other business person gave her this opportunity to share and earn and enjoy.  Whatever the case, God blessed me through her welcoming on a warm day in a cowboy town and I will remember her, maybe for the rest of time.

We are heading for home in just a few minutes.  Life is an adventure and this was one mini in the vast encompassing adventurous journey of my life.