Tag Archives: recipes

Three More recipes

Well, I had begun a new post on my computer. I was working on sentence structure and coming up with some pretty valuable, not to mention practical thoughts for you. Then I tried to add some photos and poof! Everything came crashing down.

So here I am on my phone, attempting to share the promised recipes. Once I get my computer back I will edit and beautify, but for now I want to get these recipes in print.

First and foremost, the Nano relish recipe was already here. Just search Nano relish and it will pop up. It’s cucumber time, so don’t delay!

Next, Blueberry cake (platz) recipe! I know it as the Mennonite coffee cake of the lower mainland of B.C. It is a common tea time snack and I loved it at the very first bite. I made it two weeks ago, only this time, it was served as a dessert, at a reunion of sorts. I needed something that could be served easily, to 90 people and could also be baked the night before. I tend to be a bit of a last minute Lucy, for the simple reason that I want everything to be fresh and if possible, warm, for serving. When you are cooking for a crowd and have one oven, sometimes it isn’t possible to bake and serve within minutes. Have I told you the story of the boy who came to the cafe window one day and said “are these cookies fresh or did you make them this morning?” Mind you, it was 10:30 AM when he popped the question and I realized immediately that this philosophy on freshness came as a result of my own training. I had taught the children of this particular school that fresh meant straight from the oven into the mouth. Anyway, I made this platz the night before and it was still delicious and fresh 20 hours later. We served it with freshly whipped cream.

Blueberry Platz

And then there is the recipe for oatmeal raisin cookies. I have tried quite a few but my favourite is the one my friend Jenny has made by the hundreds.

Oatmeal Raisin Cookies

There are so many recipes I want to share with you but for today I will add just one more. It is my recipe for focaccia, which isn’t real focaccia at all. Most of the recipes I have found need to be started 24 hours ahead. Well who in the world know 24 hours in advance that they want focaccia 24 hours later? Certainly not me! This recipe is actually pizza dough. Yep! Seriously. It is a recipe I found when I searched google for The Very Best Pizza Dough. And the one I found and have used and adapted over the last year, is the one by Ricardo. You may remember he had a tv show a few years back. This pizza dough is fantastic, but make it into focaccia and man alive, it is sooo good. I have recently been adding fresh chopped rosemary to the flour mixture. Two TBLSP finely chopped will add some beauty as well as extra flavour to the bread.



Soul Full Creating


It’s been a while and I haven’t forgotten you.  Thoughts have been stewing and words have been gathering but the time hasn’t seemed right for putting them into stories. I have a few waiting to get from my heart and head onto the page and stay tuned for the unveiling.

I’m pretty good at certain mediums of creating.  There are others I can’t perfect to save my life, but I’m not beyond trying.

Years ago, back when there was still Sunday night church, we brought “quiet toys” with us in hopes that those few things would  keep the little ones quiet.  Of course the quiet toys needed to be transported somehow and Nano thought it would be a great idea to make special fabric bags for each child.  The Staley children  used those bags over the years to carry their Sunday toys to church, to a friends house, to school and some even kept precious keepsakes in those bags, safely tucked away out of sight.  Of course, I knew how to be quiet in church and did not bring toys with me, but there were other uses for Nano Bags.  Mine was/is blue with purple flowers on it and over the years, crafts and books and Bibles and pens and paper have found their way into that bag.  It has held knitting, needles and wool, crossstitch patterns and scissors and it has travelled far and wide, in cars and on planes.  Today I was getting some things gathered for traveling and there it was, that blue bag, with a long forgotten cross stitch pattern safely stowed inside.  I took the pattern out and checked the box of yarn and yes, it’s ready to be stitched.

We leave tomorrow for a few days away, across the pond, as the English say. Rob is golfing and I’m walking and looking and breathing deep and maybe writing. I have some knitting needles and wool stowed and sitting next to the suitcase is my Nano bag full of that pattern and yarn and I might even work on making it into a picture. I am well aware that traveling away is intended for seeing all there is to see and pondering. I aim to do that and it looks like the rain might be there with us and I’ll be ready if it is, to hunker down and keep busy.  Don’t hold me to it and there’s a chance this bit of handy work will come home as is.  Just in case though, it’s going to Scotland.  I think Nano’s “quiet bag” will come along.  It’s a nice neat and safe place in which to pack my Creating Cargo.

Last week there was a picnic in my backyard. It’s a small place with some flowers and a few shrubs. I prepared a table with napkins, a cloth and we sat around and ate and chatted. The chatting was no small feat what with the red winged blackbirds and the starlings fighting about squatting rights. It was at times not unlike sitting in a  restaurant with poor acoustics. One person speaks louder than the other and so on until you have a pretty noisy place and sore throats all ’round.  It was fun anyway and I believe I mentioned that we ate. As usual, the guests were guinea pigs since I made the recipes up as I went. What’s the worst that can happen? We end up with some dishes that are not worthy of a michelin star but are likely still edible and even tasty. That’s my philosophy.

It’s late. Too late for posting. However, I promised to put some of the recipes on the blog and here we go.

There was Rice and Sweet Potato Casserole/Salad which looked like this.

Rice and Sweet Potato
Rice and Sweet Potato

Let’s Not Forget

Lemon sugar cookies
Lemon sugar cookies

There was also the very popular

Lemon and Raspberry Dessert
Raspberry Lemon Delight

Some day I will tell you about the other items on the menu but for now, I will leave you with these three. Tomorrow is going to have way more than 24 hours in it and tonight is fast approaching morning.

This somewhat reluctant traveler who in actual fact is a contented kitchen dweller who enjoys dreaming up culinary creations, is off to bed.   On that mouthful I will wish you a good night.

Considering and Recipes

Did you notice that it’s looking a lot like Spring out there?  I really like Spring.

I’ve been cooking this week, mostly at home and yesterday I hauled a load of food to share with friends.   We had lunch together after Bible Study and there’s just something about getting together that makes life meaningful.

We were made for interacting, sharing


I’m good on my own, for a while.  It isn’t my favourite and it seems that I can usually think of someone to keep me company.  There are days though, when I just know it needs to be me and just me and my friend Jesus.  I was just telling him a while ago that sometimes things are a bit too hard for me.  He is well aware and it’s right then, at times like those, that He reminds me to take a deep breath and read some of His promises to me.

They’re real you know!

For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.
Hebrews 4:12

To be separate, apart, can fill us up with renewed vigor, give us a chance to think about who we are and who we are becoming and what we’re doing and what we should do and

being apart can even just provide a minute to look around and actually


blessing and beauty and birds and water and sky and  trees and then

we can feel full and ready to be together again, with people who are Good For us and we for them.

Sometimes Good For, looks a bit peculiar.  Good For, doesn’t always mean, “You make me so happy”, or, “I wouldn’t want to be with anybody else right now”.  Sometimes Good For, means

“you’re softening my edges”, or “you’re causing me to sit up and take notice of That Thing in my heart, That log in my own eye.”  You know, the parts that I don’t really want you messing with.  Well, sometimes it isn’t you at all, messing.  It’s God, shaping me and letting you help.

I can sure do with a dose of Good For, more than every once in a while.

This is what the LORD Almighty says: “Give careful thought to your ways.  Haggai 1:7

Today I’m just spending some time with myself and doing some considering.  Wondering what God wants to tell me.  I sometimes don’t like what He tells me by the way, but I know enough to understand He is really, really Good with a capital G.  He’s always close and I’m thankful for the rest He gives when I’m in need.

Surely the arm of the Lord is not too short to save, nor his ear too dull to hear.  Isaiah 59:1

So while I’m doing some considering, I’m

attempting to listen.  Not so easy for someone who likes to do most of the talking.

I thought you might like to see a couple of the recipes I have worked on this week.

Have a look and while you do, remember how much you are loved by the One who created Love in the first place.  ♥

Chicken for chicken Salad
Chicken for chicken Salad

#2 My favourite Salad Dressing