Tag Archives: March

Considering and Recipes

Did you notice that it’s looking a lot like Spring out there?  I really like Spring.

I’ve been cooking this week, mostly at home and yesterday I hauled a load of food to share with friends.   We had lunch together after Bible Study and there’s just something about getting together that makes life meaningful.

We were made for interacting, sharing


I’m good on my own, for a while.  It isn’t my favourite and it seems that I can usually think of someone to keep me company.  There are days though, when I just know it needs to be me and just me and my friend Jesus.  I was just telling him a while ago that sometimes things are a bit too hard for me.  He is well aware and it’s right then, at times like those, that He reminds me to take a deep breath and read some of His promises to me.

They’re real you know!

For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.
Hebrews 4:12

To be separate, apart, can fill us up with renewed vigor, give us a chance to think about who we are and who we are becoming and what we’re doing and what we should do and

being apart can even just provide a minute to look around and actually


blessing and beauty and birds and water and sky and  trees and then

we can feel full and ready to be together again, with people who are Good For us and we for them.

Sometimes Good For, looks a bit peculiar.  Good For, doesn’t always mean, “You make me so happy”, or, “I wouldn’t want to be with anybody else right now”.  Sometimes Good For, means

“you’re softening my edges”, or “you’re causing me to sit up and take notice of That Thing in my heart, That log in my own eye.”  You know, the parts that I don’t really want you messing with.  Well, sometimes it isn’t you at all, messing.  It’s God, shaping me and letting you help.

I can sure do with a dose of Good For, more than every once in a while.

This is what the LORD Almighty says: “Give careful thought to your ways.  Haggai 1:7

Today I’m just spending some time with myself and doing some considering.  Wondering what God wants to tell me.  I sometimes don’t like what He tells me by the way, but I know enough to understand He is really, really Good with a capital G.  He’s always close and I’m thankful for the rest He gives when I’m in need.

Surely the arm of the Lord is not too short to save, nor his ear too dull to hear.  Isaiah 59:1

So while I’m doing some considering, I’m

attempting to listen.  Not so easy for someone who likes to do most of the talking.

I thought you might like to see a couple of the recipes I have worked on this week.

Have a look and while you do, remember how much you are loved by the One who created Love in the first place.  ♥

Chicken for chicken Salad
Chicken for chicken Salad
#2 My favourite Salad Dressing