Tag Archives: fall

Family Ties

Fall Beauty

It’s a Monday in November and the door is open. I’m wearing short sleeves. The sun is shining and I should be outside. I will be, later. Right now though, I want to tell you a story. The modern age makes it easier, to share thoughts and yes, stories. Remember back so long ago, ten, fifteen years? We phoned each other when we had something to say. We wrote notes and letters and cards. Now though, we rarely speak verbally to each other. We write This way. I like it and still, I miss the old way.


We all have one and who the family is, affects who the individuals are.

When ‘we’ grew up, there was no family anywhere near. No cousins, No grandparents, No silly uncles or sweet aunts. It was just Us. The five. We found people and learned to look for them, who would wrap their arms around us when we needed comforting and open the door to us when the soup pot was on. We learned the value of friendship and the richness of sharing life with people who weren’t kin. Papa was from Newfoundland and just a few years ago, my brother and his wife, my sister and her husband and I, paid our East coast relatives a visit. They rolled out the red carpet for us and we met cousins we had heard of yet never met. It was a happy time and a sad time for me. Happy because I discovered that our extended family were wonderful people. Sad because I in a way, mourned what I had missed. They sang together and travelled together and encouraged each other and I was jealous that they had done it all, without Me.

As a child, I watched families around me and knew their lives were vastly different from mine. And then, I did the same thing to my parents and moved far away. Then, we did the same to the Staley children and raised them up far from family. I grew up partly in my youth, but mostly in my adulthood. Growing up is hard. It was hard for me and hard for my children, but alas, we have only two choices. To grow up Or Not. Often, hard things are worth it, the effort of doing them and I will admit to you that even though growing up as an adult is hard, it’s worth the struggle. My Way is committed to God and even though I quite often don’t understand the Why of His directing, I know that He planned the plan before time began and will work out His purpose for His Glory And for my (our) good. His plan is always the best one. We were without family, but God taught us to trust Him. We did.

So, we were alone. First, the House Five and then the Staley Five. In the 38 years that Rob and I have been married, we have always had to get on a plane in order to visit family. We’ve done it a lot and thankfully God worked it out. He provided friends for us here who have been family to us and our children know what empathy is and how others feel if they are alone. Our children have friends and they have each other and that is good. We may not always choose to lean in on God, but we sure do know we should and we need to.

The House Five had each other and That was good. We celebrated together and cried together and spoke kindly to each other and learned from each other. You hear me speak of my sister, but not often of my brother. He is a good and kind man. He has a wife and two grown children and three grandchildren and he is good to his neighbors and says hello to people on the street. He is a true volunteer and could give lessons on how to do it, but he wouldn’t of course. He just does what needs to be done and organizes people to work at church and he knows his way around a sound system and most of all he and Robin notice people. They are the ones who see new people at church and invite them out for lunch. They don’t go home and say “did you see those new people? We really should have spoken to them. We really should have introduced ourselves.” No way. They DO it. He is just shy of six years older than I am and he was a teacher before he retired. His name is Rod and since just before Nano went to be with Jesus, He and Robin and Jan and Michael have lived in Calgary and now they are together and I am not, there. I wish I was nearer. Maybe even a short car ride away would be nice. But I am not.

Life has not been easy for Rod. I know, I know! Life is not easy for anybody. For some people it’s harder. When he was very young, five or six, he contracted polio. It was in the fifties and polio was all around. The doctor told mom and dad that he might die, but he would surely never recover. Our prayer warrior father had a prayer meeting beside my brother’s hospital bed and you may not believe in miracles, but the next day, the doctor came to talk to mom and dad and told them he could not explain it, but there was no sign of polio in Rod’s body. As usual, dear dad used that opportunity to explain God’s power and kindness. He told that doctor how it is that regardless of what people may consider possible, God is the God of the impossible. Rod was the guy who broke legs and arms when he was young. He worked hard in school and was the shy one of the clan. He didn’t need a lot of friends and liked to stick close to home. He played hockey and gym sports and when he was a teacher, he tried his best. Rod suffered from migraine headaches as an adult. The debilitating kind. Not long after he retired, Rod suffered a stroke. That’s a story for another time, but I will tell you that it happened when he went to the bank with Robin. Jan, Nano and I were waiting for them in the car. It was a sad thing and a hard thing but God brought him through and he has lived full and well and plays a mean game of tennis and rides his bike and Lives. A few months ago Rod learned that he had cancer. He has gone through the treatments and today, Today was surgery day. I am far away and waiting to hear. It is a big surgery and it won’t be easy after. My brother is a walking miracle already and God has decided that this man should be a witness to God’s power and faithfulness. God has decided that Rod and Robin would be the ones who would receive an extra measure of grace, because He was going to ask much of them. I’m here and they are so far away and not just that. COVID! If not for COVID I would be there right now. This brother is alone and he hasn’t been alone many hours since the day he and Robin were married. They are together in every way, except for today. Our mother is gone but she taught us to care and to stand by and to help and to sacrifice our time and energy for the sake of someone else. She showed us how to live well when your heart is broken and your body is feeble. She lived for sharing and we learned it from her.

So, my brother is a helper, I try to help and then there is our sister. She is most like our mother and does what she believes our mother would do. She does it well. Now Jan would tell you that she does not have the gift of mercy. I agree. You would not accuse her of being warm and fuzzy, but she is kind. She helps and does not turn her back on a need. She is strong and we have talked, she and I, about choosing strength. The strength we choose might not look like strength to some people, but it is strength just the same. It requires a choice to be all that God asks us to be, for as long as we can. Life is short and God has given us many, many character building opportunities. Well,

I can tell you that My sister’s strength has surged in these recent months. She has taken it upon herself to be the House matriarch. She has lived hard, caring for her own family and dealing with sadness on numerous fronts, while determining to be whatever our brother needs his sister to be. She has baked and driven and cooked and carried and picked and prayed and knitted and loved and she has done it in a most exemplary and spectacular way. I have wished, these past months that I could participate in the joy and struggle of Doing, for this family of mine. God has said, “Not this Time” and I haven’t liked it one bit.

We have been a family, far apart and yet, the ties are strong. God led us all in different directions and gifted us with unity of heart. We are all Jesus lovers and followers and that has pulled us tight. We are different in huge, wide cavernous ways and we are family. I want God to heal this brother and make him whole again. I want God to do more good things for this family and the older we get and the more members that are added, the more we need to depend upon God and His wise counsel and wisdom. How Then shall We Live? We shall live bowed down in submission to Him, because we trust Him with our lives. He is the author and the finisher and He will do what He knows to be best.

That’s a relief

Teach your children to share. Teach them to give when they don’t feel like it and to help when help is needed. We are broken people and God is whole and living and teaching us still. He is never ever not in control. He is always full of power and does not relinquish His hold on what is His and that is Everything. Don’t be fooled by all that you hear. God is very much alive and no matter the condition of the world and the unGodly attitudes everywhere, He is working out His perfectly designed plan.


Names and Some Other Stuff


It’s Fall and that means some things.
First of all, it’s one of my favourite seasons. I just wish it didn’t mean Winter is coming real fast.
Next, it’s my first born son’s favourite season. We used to live in the country and most days that he came home from school or work he would walk up the steps and take a deep breath and say “just smell that, mom. I love that smell.”

Fall smells different. It smells orange and red and yellow.
The third thing that Fall means is, I get to remember in a special way, the end of Nano’s life here.

Two years ago yesterday my mama went to Jesus.  Two years ago today was Thanksgiving Monday and it was a beauty over in Calgary.  That’s where we all were, Nano and her three little ones, when Jesus called her name for the last and first time.
Last Here
First There, where He is.
She and Papa have been together again for two years after 27 years apart and I don’t know what they’re doing but it’s good.
I want to talk loudly at you people.
Really, do you want to see Nano someday? More importantly, do you want to see Jesus some day? Turn your whole life over to Him. All of it. If you don’t want to, well you don’t know what you’re going to miss. I yelled that at a friend of mine when I was 12. She knelt down right there in the playground and said she wanted to be with Jesus some day. Not That day of course. But a different day. Her name was Heather and I have no idea where she is now but boy oh boy, when she stands before the throne she cant say it’s all news to her that Jesus is the only way to the Father. I preached it loud back then, when I was wee, as only a 10, 11, 12, 13, year old Can preach it.
Kids used to laugh at me because Papa was the preacher and they promised to beat me up after school, often and I walked a different route, often,
thats for sure. I don’t think Nano and Papa ever called the school to complain or report. Parents didn’t do it back then.
What they did was
be kind. Papa never passed up an opportunity to tell about Jesus.
There was a hockey arena in the next town over. Every once in a while I got to go to a game and there was no heat or insulation and we were under cover but it felt like we were sitting right outside in -30. I loved going because I got to have a hamburger and run around with the other kids.
It could be a bit of a rough crowd, as papa would say, at those games and the language would
“make your hair curl”. (It didn’t take much back then because most people didn’t swear like they do now)
and when the words were swirling around and he just couldn’t
say Nothing
he would turn around and say,
“That is Holy God you are speaking of and He does not want you using His name like you are.”
I’ll tell you that gave them a shock. Usually they grinned and I’m sure they went home later to tell their who’s who, about the crazy guy at the game.  Weird looks and tough glares didn’t bother Papa.  His mission in life was to tell about Jesus and how much He loves everybody He ever made.  Not a single one is without someone to love them.
God does, always and forever and the best and most.

Papa had a bit of a strange name. It was Chesley. Chesley Douglas. Chesley Douglas House.
C.D. for short. His signature was C.D. House. Sometimes people called him Chester. He didn’t care for that and didn’t hesitate to correct the mistake.
I had a teacher in grade ten who called me Pamelia. Believe me when I tell you I never, ever, let that one go.
My name is Pamela and back when I was knee high, nobody knew Pam was an option, so Pamela it was.
Nano’s name was Lena. Lena Isabel Pritchard. I  loved Nano’s name. So pretty and dignified (although back in the day, dignified was not part of my vocabulary)

I’ve told you before that I didn’t even know my parents had names until I had lived four or five years. I thought they both had the same name and that name was

Names are a big deal and people work so hard to come up with Juuuuuust the right name for their little ones. I have been known to mutter about names and wonder aloud, “what in the World is wrong with Kathy or suzy or Billy or Johnny”?  I’m not old but some of the new names are, well, in a word, hard.
Names are given by people and of course they are important.
God has quite a few names too.
Alpha and Omega
El Elyon
El Roi
El Shaddai
Look them up. There are more!  He is an awesome God!

Some days I miss Nano alot,
like when I finished the first knitting project for my new, well almost new, he’ll be new in March, Grandson and I wanted to send her a picture and she would have said
“Oh that’s adorable. Good for you dear”. That’s what she called me,
Or like when I was making pastry on the weekend and I totally forgot how to do one of the steps. Up to two years ago I would have gotten on the phone and asked her to remind me and she loved it when I asked.
As the day approached, the anniversary I mean, I wondered if I would sit and cry and feel like an orphan.
I didn’t.
I remembered the family time we had together before she left and I honestly remember it fondly. That month between September 14th and October 11th 2015 was a time I look back on
joyfully.  My brother, my sister, myself and different combinations of family on different days and at various times, together.
It was hard and it was awfully, terribly
In a few months I’m going to have a new name. It won’t replace the name my parents gave me but it will be the name our new little one will call me.
Stay tuned.

Now though, the names I think about when I get up in the morning and when I’m about to sleep,
are the names that define who I am in God’s eyes.
child of God
redeemed (you can look that one up in the dictionary)

and I need to get my vegetables on for dinner so I’ll stop there.

On a Blustery Fall Day

Oh how I love Winnie The Pooh.

Silly old Bear.

He is sadly lacking in intellect yet such a dear friend to his woodland neighbors.  The group of misfit creatures who call the Hundred Acre Wood home, offer companionship, but also kindness and counsel in good times and bad.  Interestingly, what seems to be dreadful misfortune to one, is rationally processed by others, which helps the one who is troubled to work through his feelings.  In the end, as they skip or run on their merry way, the situation seems, not so dire.

Friends are good.  A.A. Milne did a fine job of his story telling of life at Pooh Corner.  I am grateful to him for the smiles over the years.  Innocent, simple, sweet stories.

I arrived at the new classroom.  It was my first day and it was grade two.  Unfortunately, I was a month late, having just moved from a different town a province over.  Fear struck as we, my mother and I, arrived at the door and the teacher welcomed me in.  Fear is a terrible thing, especially when you are a child of seven.  

Mrs. Thompson was her name and she had a voice like none I had ever heard.  She was from England and when she introduced me to the others, each in their own place, she was kind and she smiled.

The empty desk half way down and four rows over, waited for me and 30 pairs of eyes watched as I seated myself in the attached chair.  It didn’t take long of course, for me to learn the names and begin to find my place in the society of Beaverlodge (yes, that was the name of our town) Elementary School.   Some would be my friends and some would not.  There was no such thing as bullying in those days.  At least, it wasn’t recognized.  I was bullied, from time to time.  But I know for certain I was guilty myself far too often.  Oh I didn’t hurt people, on the outside.   Just on the inside.  Their hearts.  I’m sorry now.    

I remember the days when…Oh I wish I could remember her name, would tell me to watch out because she and her friends were going to beat me up on the way home.

 I took a different route.  

Would she have hurt me?  I don’t know.  Maybe but maybe not because there were also days when she would sit next to me at story time.  Nastiness was just part of childhood.  I didn’t like it.  But I learned to be kind because I knew first hand how it felt when people were unkind.  I learned how to show empathy when new children came to our classroom.

 Even as a grownup, kindness can be elusive.  It takes effort.  Worthwhile.

Well, my first day in Mrs. Thompson’s grade two class, in the afternoon, before it was time to go home, she called us to the rug in the corner.  We sat in a circle on the floor and she sat on a chair.  There was a pile of books on the table next to the chair.  She chose one and began to read.

 I think it was my introduction to Winnie the Pooh.  

It is possible the Blustery day was imprinted on my brain because it was my first time on that rug.  Maybe because it was actually a blustery Fall day and it all just fit so well together.  Whatever the reason, I remember it fondly and have a warm feeling whenever I  hear a quote or read a sentence or see a picture of those friends from Pooh Corner.

Remembrances on a Blustery Day.

On this particular Blustery day, many years later, I am here in my kitchen in the city.  Leaves falling from trees and an oven ready to warm, impel me to bake something.  Today’s offering was Cranberry Apple Muffins.


I made them to take to Bible Study this morning.  I got up early to mix them together and bake them and they were good and I will certainly make them again.