Tag Archives: alone

Considering and Recipes

Did you notice that it’s looking a lot like Spring out there?  I really like Spring.

I’ve been cooking this week, mostly at home and yesterday I hauled a load of food to share with friends.   We had lunch together after Bible Study and there’s just something about getting together that makes life meaningful.

We were made for interacting, sharing


I’m good on my own, for a while.  It isn’t my favourite and it seems that I can usually think of someone to keep me company.  There are days though, when I just know it needs to be me and just me and my friend Jesus.  I was just telling him a while ago that sometimes things are a bit too hard for me.  He is well aware and it’s right then, at times like those, that He reminds me to take a deep breath and read some of His promises to me.

They’re real you know!

For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.
Hebrews 4:12

To be separate, apart, can fill us up with renewed vigor, give us a chance to think about who we are and who we are becoming and what we’re doing and what we should do and

being apart can even just provide a minute to look around and actually


blessing and beauty and birds and water and sky and  trees and then

we can feel full and ready to be together again, with people who are Good For us and we for them.

Sometimes Good For, looks a bit peculiar.  Good For, doesn’t always mean, “You make me so happy”, or, “I wouldn’t want to be with anybody else right now”.  Sometimes Good For, means

“you’re softening my edges”, or “you’re causing me to sit up and take notice of That Thing in my heart, That log in my own eye.”  You know, the parts that I don’t really want you messing with.  Well, sometimes it isn’t you at all, messing.  It’s God, shaping me and letting you help.

I can sure do with a dose of Good For, more than every once in a while.

This is what the LORD Almighty says: “Give careful thought to your ways.  Haggai 1:7

Today I’m just spending some time with myself and doing some considering.  Wondering what God wants to tell me.  I sometimes don’t like what He tells me by the way, but I know enough to understand He is really, really Good with a capital G.  He’s always close and I’m thankful for the rest He gives when I’m in need.

Surely the arm of the Lord is not too short to save, nor his ear too dull to hear.  Isaiah 59:1

So while I’m doing some considering, I’m

attempting to listen.  Not so easy for someone who likes to do most of the talking.

I thought you might like to see a couple of the recipes I have worked on this week.

Have a look and while you do, remember how much you are loved by the One who created Love in the first place.  ♥

Chicken for chicken Salad
Chicken for chicken Salad
#2 My favourite Salad Dressing

Singing Words

I wasn’t actually singing while out walking.  The only sound was singing birds, a few worker men working and I didn’t have a song in mind, yet the words swirling in my head were lodging in my heart and it was a good thing.

What’s the point in writing anything else because it’s getting a bit old now.   There are far more pressing things to busy myself with.  Sometimes though, I do it anyway,  write.  Maybe you, even just two or three, might read my words and  find they

remind you

to think of good words to say to someone else.

Singing Words

A few people shared singing words with me recently and I think they don’t know it happened.  That’s the beauty in sharing good words.  Pretty often you don’t know you did.

The other day I was “talking” to my sister.  She’s way over there in Alberta and I’m here and it was late, really late at night and we were using our fingers to talk.  My sister and I, we’re very different.  She is good at some things and I’m good at others.  I enjoy groups of people.  She’s more of a Stick To Yourself gal.  I don’t bat an eye at throwing some edibles together for 40 or 50 and that’s not her favourite, but man can she grow a most spectacular garden of flowers like I just can’t seem to produce.  I talk up a storm and go on and on and on and… she is okay with being quiet sometimes.

So we were chatting and one way that we are pretty similar is that we speak our minds.  Our parents taught us that.  It brings on hard feelings sometimes but it’s okay because Papa taught us to keep short accounts.  Make it right and ask forgiveness and forgive and then there’s the times when you just listen and take the words in and know they’re right, even if they aren’t your favourite.

Anyway, there we were, talking and she was giving me some advice and even though I couldn’t hear her voice I could hear what she was saying.  I listened and talked back at her and we did that for a while with a bit of exhorting thrown in.  If you don’t know what that means, it’s this

According to Merriam Webster (who I thought until not long ago was Meriam) it’s

to try to influence (someone) by words or advice : to strongly urge (someone) to do something.

The two of us can get away with that because we’re interested in Best for each other.

We chatted a bit more about that and a few other things and I was sad that we were done  and we said goodbye.  It was sleep time.  

She did however, before “hanging up” say that her prayer for me is that I will have peace and contentment.   Contentment

The state of being happy and satisfied  

Her prayer for me is one of peace and contentment.  Singing Words.

In the quiet I spend alone, I am asking the one who knows me best

(That’s God by the way)

to show me how to be content in the minutes.  Alone and quiet.  That’s hard.  Good.  For me, alone can be pretty lonely and I like to find people, but it can be so good because in the quiet, I can hear

Singing Words

from a few hours ago or a few days ago and those are a gift.  More important, alone gives me an opportunity to listen

I say opportunity because I have to choose whether or not to hold it carefully and quietly and   appreciate it.  Sometimes I don’t and I pace and wander from one thing to another and don’t really stop to listen.

Well I went walking as I so enjoy doing and the day was warm but not hot and the sun was shining and the trees


I love trees.  So many shades of green and leaves large and small  and trunks that are skinny and some big and strong.  The sidewalk was lined with gardens and I stopped along the way and I even prayed and I can tell you, in those moments of walking and quiet and thinking of

Singing Words

I was Content with a capital C.  Drinking it in and soaking it up, the God Made beauty.  It’s the Best kind.  Have you noticed it recently?  This sunny leafy warm colour filled clean time of year is my favourite for looking at God Made beauty.

I saw Rudbeckia (which I thought until recently was Rebeccia) and I


smiled because its sunny yellowness always reminds me of my own Rebecca.  Her name means Captivating, Knotted Cord.  Her middle name is Joy and when we laid those names upon her we had no idea how well they would fit.  She is captivating and she is strong like a knotted cord.  She makes me laugh and sometimes cry and she is learning what it means to be a daughter of the king of kings.  She is a princess in the most important sense

and  her gift of sharing Singing Words is knocking me off my feet these days.  She said some to me and they went straight to my heart.  She lives with her bigger brother.  Man, did they ever fight when they were little.  One problem with having an excellent grasp of the English language combined with a quick wit and a strong will, is that Words are often flung around like a whip and turmoil ensues.  Well,  my prayers have been answered and there is peace and these two not only live together and work in close proximity to each other, they are kind one to the other.

Blows my mind.  She sent me a quick message the other night asking for my recipe for banana chocolate chip muffins because they just happen to be her brother’s favourite.  He travels a ton and she wants to have fresh muffins ready for when he gets home this time.  She does these nice things often.  I sent that recipe over the air waves quick as a wink and told her I am proud of her.  Her kindness.

What she sent back as a response was short and ever so sweet.

“Learning from your example 🙂 Love You” and she might not know that those were

Singing Words 

and they sang to me while I was walking and cutting out Christmas aprons and making dinner.

Years and Years ago my mother said something, in a weak moment, that I will never forget.  That’s the thing about words.  They can be good or not so good but most often they are not forgotten.

She said, when I was packing the boxes, a bride of three weeks, to move 3000 miles away,

“I just don’t know why the Lord wants to take all of my children away” and

we both cried.

We have never come up with an answer to that statement, but one thing we do know is that our love for one another is strong and even from afar and maybe because we are afar, we care for one another


One of mine, is near.  He’s just up the road and has a wife who is also mine now.  The other two of mine are not So far but far enough and we don’t see them often.  They are young and hopefully one day they will be near so we can see them more.  Sometimes though, the view from A Little Ways Off, allows for a clear site line.  I am watching them.  This morning while

in my contentment I was sitting quiet and reading from a little book called

Daily Light  It is full of scripture and so good for starting a day,

God told me again that He sees me here and them there.  He knows the plans he has for me and the ones He has for them.  He also told me that I don’t know His mind and my plans are not His.  In my intentional contentment, yes I need to work hard at it, I will be most successful if I remember that He supplies all that I need when I need it.  My favourite, today was the part about His Truth.  It’s from John 16

When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth, for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you the things that are to come. 14 He will glorify me, for he will take what is mine and declare it to you.

He will tell me what God wants me to know.

Singing Words

Not sure Who will say What to me today or Whom I will have an opportunity to say good words to.  I don’t need to know.  All I need is to carry on about my business.  The business that God has already decided upon.  I will listen as I go and

maybe you aren’t sure either, what your purpose is for today but maybe a little contented listening is in order and God will tell you what He wants you to know.

Peace and Contentment to you, along with

Singing Words