The Apron Market has changed and evolved over the past six years.  There have been new fabrics sewn into new aprons and old fabrics sewn into new aprons.  I choose fabrics I love to look at and I even choose fabrics that aren’t my favorite but I know that we all have individual likes when it comes to beauty.

As the market has evolved and changed, I have created different formats.  The market began here, on the  blog.  I posted photos and you chose from the photos.  Over the years it has become difficult to keep up with the changing fabrics as the different patterns sell.  Since this blog and even the apron production, is a hobby for me, I decided to change the way the aprons are marketed.  If you are interested in an apron, please contact me and I will show you the available fabrics.

I wrote about the original Nano’s Apron in

Finding Treasure Now and Then  If you didn’t get a chance to read it, here it is.  Just click on the red link.

As an aside, I have been thinking about some things Nano used to say.  I printed the following words to put in with each of the aprons that were purchased at the apron brunch a couple of weeks ago.

Nano always said that we wash our fabric far too, much and often. Her recommendation was that we should save washing for when our clothes/aprons are actually dirty!

Since I am following in her footsteps I too recommend that we wash our aprons only when they are quite messy looking. A bit of flour or a spec of chocolate does not mean a trip to the laundry is necessary. Since this apron fabric is cotton it will wrinkle and it may even shrink a wee (a Nano word) bit. Hanging to dry is always a good idea but of course, a spin in the dryer is just fine.

I hope you enjoy your apron and when you wear it, please remember that the kitchen and all of its messy work, is a special place, full of imagination and creativity. Have fun and gather friends and acquaintances close.