Another one

Winter beauty
Winter beauty

It was dark and cold and then, added to the cold was another five inches of snow.
Will it come in the form of a Lion or a lamb? My hope is that we see a roaring lion just over a week from now. A trade off for the soft, gentle lamb that will arrive 31 days later.
If only I was in charge of the weather. Actually, I am thankful that someone wiser than me is in control.
OF the weather and everything else.

Blooming Flowers. Beautiful Flowers. They grow in the craziest places. Beside the ocean where they get tossed around, twisting and turning in the gale force winds. In the desert, the most beautiful, brightly coloured species, rooted in sand. Shifting, sifting, barren sand. They are surrounded by cacti, thistles and prickles. But they bloom, reaching their faces to the sun.
I feel sometimes that I am planted in sand. dizzy, eyes gritty. Wondering if the wind will yank me, toss me into another time zone.
Not as far fetched as you may think since I find myself in different time zones often.

But whether it’s a Winter land on the other side of my window or heat from the sun causing some serious wilting, my goal is to Bloom where I am planted.
I will set my mind on things above. Glory to God in the Highest, Peace on Earth. Good Will to Men. Word gifts for us, to think on and rejoice in. The one who came up with those words is the one who creates and disperses water and drought, frost and warmth. Created elements. He is truth. He is good. He knows the best plots of soil in which to plant His children.

I am Created to bloom wherever He chooses to do the planting.

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