Another day lived

I won’t be telling you anything new if I mention that life goes pretty fast! Like lightening. Before you know it you’ve had another birthday and then you’ve lived half your life.
life is not just about this day. This minute. It counts for much more. My allotted days are a drop in the ocean compared to forever. That’s what I’m really living for. Making today count and tomorrow, because God designed me and gifted me. His plan is that I will do life with Him in mind.
remembering that He made me
so I could glorify Him and show people that life is a whole lot bigger and better than just what you see.
LIFE isn’t so much about experience, but the REASON for experience.
The reason is that God is BIG. He is wise. He is kind. He is just.
Every morning His mercies are new and before I open my eyes I will tell Him I remember that.
I am not much without Him.
I have been learning that. I forget it sometimes but He reminds me.
I wonder how people get out of bed in the morning when they think life is all about whether they win or lose, pass or fail.
to think people are walking around living for this minute and don’t know God is BIG. They don’t know that life is short in comparison to forever.
I want to live with forever in mind.
God in me
thinking about forever
Jesus in me
Is the reason for Hope. Life is good and hard but because of
I live thankfully
working OUT my salvation but
NEVER working FOR my salvation.
Grace, Mercy, Love, Hope

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