All Sorts of Creative

I have just returned from a visit to family in the West and you should know, if you don’t already, that the Rocky mountains are incredibly beautiful. I have been privileged to see them up close, at their finest, in the dead of winter. The senses are a precious gift and I’m thankful.

Moving on, I wouldn’t say I’m athletic
Not at all
I think it’s because I don’t really care for pain.
However, since the olympics are happening right now, I think you should know about My own childhood abilities in various physical endeavours.
When I was four I decided I was going to learn to skate. The very first time I ever put on a pair of skates, my dad took me to the local arena and laced ’em up. He led me to the ice and off I went. I did not even fall. I still remember coming home afterwards and hearing him comment to my mom, that I had been remarkable, not hesitating for a minute. Neither were really surprised since determination defined me. If they had enrolled me in speed skating I would likely have won a medal at some point, I’m pretty sure.
When I was six I decided one morning that I was going to ride my sister’s two wheeler bike. I marched out there and got on that thing and took off. Maybe, if they had given me the opportunity, I would have ridden to a gold medal somewhere. Likely.

Well I can dream. More like a nightmare.

It was early on that Nano and Papa realized with more than a bit of consternation that they had a small, skinny, handful in their midst.
That tenacity and determination has gotten me into more than a bit of trouble over the years. It has also given me a certain amount of chutzpah (my sister asked me not long ago what that meant)
Anyway, I’m rambling now, but since I don’t get to be on a World stage like the children at the Olympics, I am taking advantage of my opportunity for fame, on the blog.

It’s been a day of creating
I’ve been watching the olympics and I’m thinking, at least My mother didn’t need to stay awake at night wondering if I was out risking my life doing some sport.

There are several thoughts I keep thinking while watching these olympics
1. your poor mother. She must lie awake wondering if you are dead or alive
2. you must be crazy. Why in the world would you want to risk your life young man/woman
3. wow, you are so talented, your mother must be over the moon proud of you
4. Come. On. How can a human being Do that? Really!
5. Incredible! You have obviously worked so hard. I Love watching you do what you do.
6. Oh No, this is so sad.
7. Gasp. I’m sorry today was not your day for a spot on the podium.
8. I’m really glad my children did not play competitive sports. I would be a nervous wreck of a mother.

As you can see, I’ve been super duper busy, watching and gasping and feeling lots of feelings
and I’ve not met these people, never had a conversation. I only know what the media chooses to tell me and I’m interested.

While I’ve been watching, I’ve been exercising (pun intended) my own much less dangerous gifts.

So today I baked cookies. Lot’s of cookies. I was doing research, which required tasting. I tried three different recipes and of course, had to taste test each one. Today I ate cookies and more cookies and my stomach is rebelling.

just for fun I like to ask people the following question.

If you had to choose one dessert, just one, for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Mine would be delicious, top drawer, chocolate chip cookies.
So obviously I want to learn to make the perfect one. This one is not perfect but it’s very good.
I’m calling it “The” chocolate chip cookie. I have included a couple of slight variations in the recipe.  Check it here

The other day I made a delicious new Vegan soup.  You can check it out here

For dinner tonight, I made a pasta with chicken.  I had ground chicken in the fridge and it needed to be used, today.  So I dreamt it up as I went and it was good.  Really good.  you can take a look at it, here

Well I’m exhausted now.  After all of that cookie eating and olympics watching, vegetable chopping and dish washing I need rest.

I’m going to bed!  Good night and happy cooking!

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