A Winter Morning and Baked Bean Stew

Oh Hi!

It’s  officially 34 days until the Winter solstice and yet, here in the north end of Muskoka, it has arrived,
I’ve been sewing and yesterday I made baked bean stew. You may not have heard of it. I hadn’t, but for some reason I felt like eating baked beans. As I was getting the ingredients ready I realized (as usual) that I was missing a few. Not to be thrown off my self assigned task, I looked around for other possible additions and voila, Baked Bean stew. It is delicious.

The car sits on the driveway covered in snow and the flag is out there blowing in the wind and I’m here, in bed looking out and there’s something lovely,


about it.  Have you read the book by Miek Wiking, called The little book of Hygge?  My sister gave it to me and it is lovely.  She knew I would like it because it captures the essence of who I am and what I like. I’m a Feeling kind of person and I
I’m learning to embrace it, Feeling.
I felt Hygge when I was reading that little book and I’m feeling Hygge right now, sitting here talking to you.
“Hygge (pronounced Hue-Guh)is a Danish word used to acknowledge a Special feeling or moment. It can be alone or with friends, at home or out, ordinary or extraordinary but is always
special” From Hyggehouse.com

I just finished watching Downton Abbey, the whole 6 seasons, two days ago. I watched the whole thing, all 6, in about one month and I’m not kidding and only a little bit ashamed, but not really.  In my defense, I sat on two planes for a total of 8 hours and two planes for a total of 16 hours during those four weeks, which gave me plenty of time to watch and also time to accomplish some other assignments.
Becky suggested I was addicted, when in the car on the way home from the airport on Tuesday I needed to “finish the episode I’m on”. It is a favourite of mine and yes, this round of watching was the second. It took me to a different time and place and ushered me into a beautiful world of make believe. That’s about as make believe as I can manage, fictional characters living in what was at one time a real world.
in Downton, during the early years of the 20th century, the married women ate breakfast in bed. I have never been a breakfast in bed girl, but twice this week, since arriving back at this lake haven, I have brought my breakfast here. Granted, mine has been toast or cereal and not the linen laid breakfast tray filled with all sorts of nutritional delicacies. Even so, it’s been nice, Hygge.

I’m going to sit here and talk to you until I’m done and then I’ll maybe have a shower and perhaps wash my hair and then apron production is on the list. Yesterday’s goal was six and today’s is six plus two flannel blankets. Two weeks from today is the fourth annual brunch and apron (and now blanket) market and please come if you can.  It’s always fun and so good to gather with people, friends old and new.

Later today I’ll go to town for milk and to catch a glimpse of humanity at some point, keeping the goal for today in mind.

I’ve retreated here and don’t worry about me for one minute. I will come and go. I will be alone some days and welcome strangers on other days. I will go to the city and be with my people and hug my grandson and share life & experience and travel and all the while I will
Thank God.
Today’s goal is perhaps trivial in comparison to my life goal but both are good.
So today it’s aprons and
the goal for everyday is to be more like Jesus. You might roll your eyes or even laugh but, really and truly that challenging goal, fixing my eyes on Him, is the purpose that propels me, pulls me, beckons me, carries me. I cannot imagine life without knowing Him. Do you know Him?  No, not know about Him.  Know Him.  No?  You should.

I’ve set myself a new challenge. For the next 45 days, when I wake up in the morning I am going to ask God (he’s real you know) to remind me to be thankful. Then I am going to write down, physically, pen on paper, ten things I have to be thankful for. I have given myself permission to repeat, but every day I will ask Him for a nudge and then, write. I’m excited.

As I have been sewing these last two days I have been listening to an audio book called EDUCATION. A couple of my friends have read it and I thought I would listen while I sew. It’s quite a “read”. The life that some people live and have lived and still come out to be productive and influential, is remarkable to me. This girl, Tara, inspires me to think about all that matters. She comes from a Mormon background. I do not. She comes from a highly dysfunctional family and my family of origin was only a bit dysfunctional. I have no idea what her life is like now. She intrigues me and I think it is her determination and focus on what is important to her that compels me to keep listening.

Today I am healthy as far as I know. I have no pain and I can think fairly clearly. You and I both/all know things can change very quickly and surely will. One day leads into another and we can only be certain of this minute. Well, this minute and eternity. We can be sure of Eternity, because God told us about it.
That’s a relief.

Well I suppose that’s it for this time.  The day calls and we have things to do, you and me, so let’s go, do them, with care and intention.

2 thoughts on “A Winter Morning and Baked Bean Stew

  1. You write just like you talk and I love to listen to you talk. You created a wonderful word picture for me and drew me in just like you do for all that you hold dear. Honoured to call you friend. Now I think I need a blanket. How do I choose? Are you posting the fabrics?

    1. Thank you my dear. I can send you a photo of my blanket fabrics. There are single blankets and double sided. They are cute as can be.

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