A new Twist

I stand at the stove and add a bit of this and some of that. It’s awemazing how many of the ideas I have take me back to similar but different dishes that NANOused to make when I was a child. There were only a couple of things I really did not care for and it was just not a big issue.
I went through a stage where peas were just about the yuckiest things I could imagine. Then one day I noticed them on everybody’s plate but mine and decided there must be something worthwhile in giving them another try. Now, I love them. Funny thing, when I have meat and gravy I always feel like there needs to be some green peas on my plate.
Another vegetable I really did not care for was parsnips. I find that quite a few people don’t even know what parsnips are. I am over that one too. Not my VERY favorite but when roasted or in stew or soup, they are A-OK.
Anyway, tonight I made these AWEMAZING meatballs and served them with simple rice.they took me back about 35 years to when NANO would make meat patties. Kind of like burgers but a bit smaller. She browned them and added some tomato soup and a touch of vinegar. We usually ate them with mashed potatoes and a selection of vegetables. I adored that meal. It was one of about 100 favorite meals that I devoured, happily.

My variation tonight was a nod to the past, but with a modern twist.
Childhood memories are precious.

Recently and on different occasions I have heard comments from people about how much attention we give to food.
“Why do we always need food?”
“Why is it that church people seem to feel food is essential at an event?”
“Why can’t people just get together and do it without needing to eat?”
Food is good for the body and it’s also good for the soul. I believe it!
Jesus talked about the Bread of Life.
He was and still is the only one who can give us true, forever, life.
But while we are here in this temporary home, in this broken dying body, we have an opportunity to serve each other and share, life and food and tears and laughter and it’s all just a huge blessing.


Food is good!
It brings people together!
In the Bible, for land sakes, many of the special meetings and conversations and fellowship times,
happened at the TABLE while they were EATING.
Let me urge you and encourage you. Not fancy, but good. Healthy.
You are tired and good grief, do they really appreciate it anyway?
After all, it’s over, five minutes after we sit down at the table.
Yes, but the memories!
The remembrances of those few minutes around the table.
so many.
From tea and a cookie with a friend, to full out dinner for 25.
to laughter and fun with 12 ladies jammed around my dining room table.
To a simple supper with my four plus me, sitting in the kitchen.
Now, these days, most often just us two, him with his meatballs beside his rice and me with my meatballs on top.
Not perfect! But good!

Yep, this is somewhat of a bandwagon for me, but getting together and sitting around the table with a bit of something tasty is just a lovely thing.

That’s it! I need to go and put the leftovers from tonights dinner for two, in the fridge!

2 thoughts on “A new Twist

  1. Hospitality is not that difficult when you realize that good friends come to see you not the dust bunnies. We frequently visited friends in Ottawa who live out in the country. My girls loved going there. Sometimes the house wasn’t tidy but there were always games to play and fun to be had. The table wasn’t set and the meal wasn’t ready but we chipped in and laughed our way through the preparations. The food was always delicious if I remember correctly and afterwards we would sit in front of the fire, dishes piled a mile high. We’d kick off our shoes and the next thing you know our friends would say “why don’t you stay the night, then we can do breakfast in the morning!” I still love going to their home, and I love it even more when they TELL us to stay!

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