Monthly Archives: March 2017


Hi and Happy Spring!  It’s here in all of it’s Hope Full glory and not a moment too soon.
I know I know, It’s going to snow again but it’s okay because the 20th of March has come and gone and it is officially Spring. Really! The sun is shining today and that’s one more thing to be thankful for.

It’s been a looooong time since we last met here on Nano’s aprons and that’s a bit of a story.  Not for now though.

Life with me and mine has been busy, as I am sure it has been for you too.  My way of showing support has been to help with general nutrition.  We all know that in order to be all that we Can be, we need hearty and healthy meals.  My young ones have cottoned to the idea of Dinner in a Bowl, one pot dinners and they are quite fond of soups and stews. Once the chopping and cooking is complete and all there is to show for my efforts is a few containers, it’s encouraging and reassuring to hear my favourite

“Mom this is delicious”.  I love that phrase and it keeps pulling me back, to the kitchen and my soup pot.

So, today I did another sausage soup and I think it must be one of the best, ever.  It will be going North and South and even though it won’t be eaten around my own table,  I like knowing that they are eating something delicious.

If you click on this link ↓you will find it.

Sausage soup with a slightly Indian twist