Daily Archives: January 27, 2016



It’s been a while.  The past months, three to be exact, have been strange really.  So many times I have headed for the phone to punch in that number I dialed often, back then.  There’s been some stuff going on here at our house and some of it’s worth sharing and some of it just needs

Nano’s wise counsel.  It’s a loss when, after living  longer than half a century (I know, crazy) you’ve gotten advice from someone whose advice you value and then

just like that she isn’t there.  Gone forever.   Even so, my need for her to be alive is still right here where it’s always been.  Every now and then there’s this panic and I feel the blood rushing to my heart and I sort of want to yell or stomp my foot and change the whole thing.  The dying thing.  But I WANT to talk to my MOM.

Can’t! Continue reading Manna