Monthly Archives: September 2015

Autumn in the air and all around

Well it’s Fall now, officially as of the early hours of today.  We’re breathing in air that’s just a bit cooler and it smells different.

Tomatoes in jars on shelves in the basement and apples ready for picking.

The Seasons

a fact of life for Canadians and an unknown for a whole lot of the World.  I’m looking at the first day of Fall from the West this year.  Usually I see it from the other side of the prairies, East.   I’m missing the reds beginning to happen and my favourite, walk in an apple orchard.  Just about any apple orchard will do.

Even so,  most places in this country

Fall, Autumn, has a smell about it. A mix of cool air, damp earth, dried leaves, something else on the breeze.  Not sure, but it’s worth taking a big deep breath.  The little courtyard just down the hall and out the door has Fall all over it.  Beautiful, dried leaves and sweet smelling.   Autumn. Continue reading Autumn in the air and all around

The most wonderful Time of the Year

I Should say, Easter, or Christmas.

Those two really are the best, the most wonderful Times.  I’m setting them in a category of their own.   A place way up,

here.  Kind of an umbrella spreading over everything.

I mean, really, the created is so much more when we know, personally,  the one who did the creating.


that umbrella of truth filled with mercy and grace and compassion and yes even Love

there’s a whole lot of sad and heartbreak and evil and sin and pain and selfish and poverty and wrong choices that hurt.  Free, will.

I don’t know about you but today, I’ve been wondering about the happy feelings.  Here I am in a place where there is so much and I get in my car or even on my feet and go where I want, to enjoy the things I want to enjoy.

Life carries on for me, likely for you, even though people are suffering all around.

I’m Thinking.

Right now, right here, on a humid September day at the beginning of a time of bounty in this place, there is mourning.  Awareness is growing, of people who need us to care more.  Political views are so diverse.  I Know I’m right and you Know you’re right.  Especially now, with an election on the horizon and the rights of humans consistently

On the Table.

She, that girl I love beyond, is here for the weekend.  Full of talk and stories of happenings she is participating in and it’s our custom to have Saturday breakfast at a little place on the corner.  We went there today . She continues to learn and grow and it warms my heart to hear her tell of opportunities she has to speak her mind and make a point,

but decides not to, make that point.  She’s like me and I know how hard it is to bite her tongue and stay silent when what she has to say is

So Important. 

We haven’t always modeled it well, but our instruction has been that she, they, should

listen and Stand Down.  Deep breaths and please please learn now, while you are young, that life is not fair.  Never has been and never will be.  We can, if you like, have a conversation about fair.  We are living way above and beyond Fair.  Fair, is living life and eternity without God.  That’s Fair.  Good that God isn’t bound by Fair.

Turn the other cheek and just like the bracelet from those times, childhood times,

WWJD.  What would Jesus Do.  Remember, it’s not about you and how you feel and how comfortable you are but it’s about being like Him.  Be kind, generous, watching for opportunities.  Even small ones.  They might seem like not enough, but do something.  A small good thing.

I went to the market.  Bounty indeed!

pepper season
pepper season

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year.


It isn’t officially Fall.  It’s late summer and the leaves are just barely, in a few places, thinking about red and orange.  There are flowers and vegetables and what we, in our family, like to call Real Tomatoes.  Summer Tomatoes.  They’re the ones that are already red at picking time.  Corn, “incredibly fresh” said the girl who chose my six.  Picked this morning apparently and Papa and Nano used to say “if you are going to have fresh corn in corn season, make sure you get it from a farmer.  It should be picked from the stocks just hours before you pick it from the pile”.


In the middle of the vastness of all that is erupting around me,


Thankful is always good.