Daily Archives: June 9, 2014

Grief and guests and what’s it all about

 I was in that place on the other side of our land where mountains and sky and sea  come together in one beautiful scape.

 I love it there.  

Everywhere you look there is something else to take your breath away.

 I lived there, years ago.  I was not terribly moved in those days by the beauty around me.  They were years of youthful struggles and searching.  It wasn’t about searching for God or meaning or truth.  No, I knew those things were settled.  God is!  Always has been and always will be.  I knew Him then and I know Him today.  He is good and strong and loving and allows tragedy and sadness and pain to touch us.  Not because He wants to hurt us or make us cry.  He allows thorns to wound us because these show us our need for Him.   In them we can see His greatness.  Pain is bad and it is real and  worse  for some  than for others.  Maybe the ‘pain threshold’ is lower for me than for you.  Perhaps you have been asked to carry a load that is heavier than your neighbor’s. Continue reading Grief and guests and what’s it all about