Daily Archives: February 28, 2014

My Sisters Kitchen

I am holding my breath for Spring. Well actually I am not doing that because I need air and it may be a while before the balmy temps of that illusive season arrive.
Until then I will dig deep and consider all that I have to be thankful for
which is much!
One reason for thanksgiving at the moment is that I am here, at my sisters house, visiting our mother.
You see, our mother lives in this town, far from my own. This town is where my sister lives and we are thankful that our mother is close. To at least one of us. I am not visiting my sister because she isn’t here.
Our Mother is NANO and we love her dearly.
Nano is in her 93rd year and lives in a place here in this town where people of her age often live. She is cared for and still cares for herself. A little.
Sometimes my sister takes a break and visits a different part of God’s amazing World. When she goes, I leave my own town and visit hers. This way our mother has one of us within arms reach. When I come to visit our mother, we pack her bags and transport her from the place where she lives, to my sisters house. It is sort of like a vacation for Nano. I cook for her and we visit and she knits and we watch the birds on the other side of the window.

It is cold here. Very!
But we are not! The furnace is turned up and the sun is shining on the other side of the windows and we are thankful to be here, in my sisters house, together.

For the next 13 days I will be cooking and baking and visiting with our mother here in my sisters Kitchen. It will be fun! And maybe when I go back to my own house and my own kitchen, the snow will be melting and maybe, just maybe I will open the windows to feel the spring air and hear the birds.

Beautiful Sunshine
Beautiful Sunshine

From the inside out

Only Sometimes

Certain treats are not the best for us
but every once in a while
they are good for the soul.

Such things as cinnamon buns, butter tarts, chocolate cake and coconut cream pie would be on the ‘do not eat’ list for the very health conscious.
Well, I am a firm believer in moderation.
Not EVERYTHING in moderation as the old saying goes. But SOME things in moderation are actually on my ‘fine every once in a while’ list. Only whole, true, real ingredients (no edible oil products please)
Make them!
Eat them!
Enjoy them!
Don’t feel guilty about it!

**Go and brush your teeth and don’t enjoy it again for a few days.

**Pam’s tip:
After I have a lovely desert or a plate (or bowl) of something delicious and rich I go straight to my electric toothbrush and give my mouth a good cleaning! Sometimes I even floss!
That’s the signal to my brain that it’s over. I am finished. I am free to carry on with my day or evening and the enjoyment of the deliciousness stays with me but the temptation is gone.

Stay tuned for the above mentioned recipes in the days ahead!