Daily Archives: February 25, 2014

‘Nice big salad’

Of course a ‘nice big salad’ can mean just about anything since ‘nice’ is a very personal, subjective thing.
I will tell you what our little one considers to be ‘nice’ when it relates to a salad and you can decide for yourself whether it coincides with your definition of ‘nice’.

Salad is popular at this city homestead. We have been known to devour large quantities in a single sitting. You may want to adjust your amounts accordingly but the platter in the picture in combination with a piece of salmon, fed three of us. At dinner! Check recipes

A Dinner of Salmon

Our Littlest little one came to town. She requested Salmon for dinner along with a “nice big salad” and with pleasure I obliged. My very favorite way to eat fish, is fried. That may have something to do with my Eastern Canadian roots. (My dad was from Newfoundland) Easterners speak of ‘fish fries’, with a look that says, pleasure. Roasting, baking and steaming is of course healthier but fresh fish freshly fried, pleasure indeed.
Most often though, I bake my salmon. I have never quite gotten the hang of a ‘fry’ so I stick to what works for me.
Easy, quick and delicious.

Salmon please
Salmon please

It’s late, for me!
Tomorrow will be here before I know it and I wonder if my first thoughts will be good ones. The kind that set a tone of joy at the start of a new day.

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 God wrote down so I would have something good to read. So I would have something good to think about. So I could wake up in the morning and have hope for the day. The things I think, the words I say, I don’t want them to start here, in me. I want them to start with God and then run through my soul and then sit for a minute in my brain and become something real and good.
But not mine. God’s and if only I could live them.
But I can
Not because I am strong or of a sweet spirit.
Only because Jesus said, “My Grace is all you need. (I am all you need.) My power is made perfect in weakness.”

Tonight is quiet.
Everything is still. It is late, for me! And God is here. He. Is. Right. Here! I will rest!
Not because there are no concerns or troubles. But he told me, all of us, His little ones, not to be afraid because He is with us. Always.
Sleep, with a thankful, quiet heart. He is here! And there! Tomorrow is a new day and His plan for the day is that I will trust in Him
Wait on Him to give me words and thoughts that turn into blessing, for me and for the ones who come close.

Your Word is Truth
Your Word is Truth